Week 3 for Street Fighter 4 Character Balance Suggestions!

By Cinderkin — April 5, 2013
Tags: capcom-unity news video

Capcom and Combofiend have released the latest video letting the community know that we are on week 3 of the character suggestions for the update of Street Fighter 4.

This week we can suggest changes for Juri, Evil Ryu, Yun, Yang, Abel, Dee Jay, Hakan, Rose, Guy and Gen. Now if you want a fighter to fly that isn't going to happen. So be sure to pick some decent changes this week.

So be sure to make your voice heard and submit your thoughts over at Capcom-Unity.com

Tell us what you think about this weeks characters in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!

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Apr 5, 2013 by goukijones


Upvoted for the Juri pic in the video preview.

BatRastered rated Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Buy it
Apr 5, 2013 by BatRastered

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