Why Frank West Was Cut From MvC3 And Phoenix Wright Was Possible
By Cinderkin —
January 24, 2011
A very short interview with Marvel vs Capcom 3 producer Ryota Niitsuma was done by Videogamer.com. It talks about why Frank West was cut from the game, and that Phoenix Wright was considered. Check it out.
The interview is very short so I'm just going to paste it below with some added photos.
Given his presence in Tatsunoko vs Capcom, you'd be forgiven for thinking that Dead Rising's Frank West was a shoe-in for Marvel vs Capcom 3, but that's not the case. Producer Ryota Niitsuma has explained that Frank was cut from the game's roster at a late stage, despite the work that had already been put into his character.
"As for Frank West, he was actually in the process quite deep, and in one of our high quality CG trailers he was actually part of it," Niitsuma told VideoGamer.com at the end of last week. "But we've taken him out, due to the fact that we've foreseen some extra work involved, just from the nature of his moves. We felt we could direct our resources to better use, so we've taken Frank out."
Another Capcom favourite who hasn't made the line-up is plucky lawyer Phoenix Wright. But while Wright may not be naturally suited to the fighting genre, Niitsuma seems happy to consider his future inclusion - provided that MvC3 gains a following.
"Phoenix Wright is obviously a famous franchise - especially in Europe, actually. It would be interesting to see him, although he distinctively lacks the number of moves he might have [in a fighting game]. But if Marvel vs. Capcom 3 does well, he's definitely up on the list as one of the characters to add, given the chance."
What do you Jimmys think? Will Frank West make his appearance as DLC seeing as they put a ton of work in him already? What about Phoenix Wright? I for one have no Objection on his inclusion (see what I did there).
Don't be a Jimmy! Tell us in the comments. Thanks for reading.
Source: Videogamer.com
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Feb 15, 2011