Community Would you rather fish for Zombies, or play Tennis with them?

By iorilamia — March 9, 2011
Tags: news pictures yakuza-4

Check out a bunch of different zombie types to be featured in Yakuza 4, even some "playful" ones.

source : posted some info and different types of zombies to be featured in Yakuza 4, including famous actors, convience store workers, law inforcement and so on. These include some pretty gnarly zombies and some that just wanna play table tennis. Enjoy and leave your comments on what you think below. It's cool some mini-game features will be present than just a beat-em-up shooter adventure.  Check out the source for additional pics and details :D

" I ain't even mad"


Yakuza 4

Yakuza 4

2 Stories

Release Date: Mar 15, 2011

Buy it! 40% - Rent it! 60% - Flush it! 0%

Original source.


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