WTF is up with EA's Battlefield 3 servers?

By BatRastered — October 25, 2011
Tags: blog wildrant

Didn't we just have a beta, weren't these problems supposed to be fixed? Is this what I can look forward to when SWTOR comes out? FFS!

During the BF3 beta, team Gouki had a hell of a time just making a match, let alone getting everyone on the right team. This was supposed to have been fixed. The game is really fun once you get a game set up, but good luck!

Trying to join a game as a squad of four in either squad deathmatch or squad rush would either outright fail, or work for 3 of the 4 of us, kicking one out to the menu. Other times, it would work but split the party up on different teams. We never all got on the same squad.

And all this was while the servers were up. Mid-afternoon the servers went down and we couldn't even navigate the menus for several hours. I took this opportunity to play some of the campaign... talk about a linear quick-time-event filled nonsense fest.

EA charges 60 bucks for the game and 10 bucks (or 800 MSP) for the online pass if you bought it used. The matchmaking just needs to work. Epic seems to have it figured out in the Gears series... Bungie figured it out way back in Halo 2 and perfected it thereafter. Those games were all published by MS, so are they keeping something from their third party partners, or are the third parties just that bad at matchmaking? Seriously WTF is going on here?

Whatever... I'm sure it will be fixed in a few weeks.. SMH.


Battlefield 3

Battlefield 3 Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Oct 25, 2011

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