Xbox 360 Kinect dashboard update forced on gamers while playing
By goukijones —
November 1, 2010
Just playing a simple game of Halo Reach until everybody in the room started to drop off 1 by 1. Oh wait, it's Kinect everybody. Stop what you are playing and update your system right now.
I understand a lot of people don't like to play Rocket Race and quit out right away, but some of us actually voted for Rocket Race. That's right, I voted for it. The game began to lag real bad, in and out of the selecting new host screen at least 5 times. People dropping off one at a time. Then my buddy disappeared and then I finally got the boot. My buddy who I was racing with, sent me a text right away. "Did you just get logged out of Xbox Live in the middle of that game?" I most certainly did and this is unacceptable I told him. I looked at the clock. It was just after 2 O'clock. My last bit of Jack was gone and I had lost count a long time ago.
When I tried to log back in, I was told I needed to do the update now. I had to exit Halo Reach and do the update before I could log back in. I clicked OK and the system reset and began to install the update. Then the Xbox had the nerve to ask me if I wanted the Kinect dashboard tutorial. No, I want back into the game I was playing before you kicked me offline for the stupid Kinect update. ESPN and $10 more dollars a year. I got it, I'm thrilled.
So that's what happened with the Xbox update and me. It was forced on me in the middle of a match made game. Awesome Microsoft. Way to one up PlayStation with software updates. Anybody else have this problem?
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Nov 22, 2005