Xbox 360 Kinect dashboard update forced on gamers while playing

By goukijones — November 1, 2010
Tags: kinect update xbox-360

Just playing a simple game of Halo Reach until everybody in the room started to drop off 1 by 1. Oh wait, it's Kinect everybody. Stop what you are playing and update your system right now.

I understand a lot of people don't like to play Rocket Race and quit out right away, but some of us actually voted for Rocket Race. That's right, I voted for it. The game began to lag real bad, in and out of the selecting new host screen at least 5 times. People dropping off one at a time. Then my buddy disappeared and then I finally got the boot. My buddy who I was racing with, sent me a text right away. "Did you just get logged out of Xbox Live in the middle of that game?" I most certainly did and this is unacceptable I told him. I looked at the clock. It was just after 2 O'clock. My last bit of Jack was gone and I had lost count a long time ago.

When I tried to log back in, I was told I needed to do the update now. I had to exit Halo Reach and do the update before I could log back in. I clicked OK and the system reset and began to install the update. Then the Xbox had the nerve to ask me if I wanted the Kinect dashboard tutorial. No, I want back into the game I was playing before you kicked me offline for the stupid Kinect update. ESPN and $10 more dollars a year. I got it, I'm thrilled. 

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So that's what happened with the Xbox update and me. It was forced on me in the middle of a match made game. Awesome Microsoft. Way to one up PlayStation with software updates. Anybody else have this problem? 

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Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Nov 22, 2005

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That must of sucked. I was in the beta before release and it happened quite often for me while playing games as well.

akskiller rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Nov 1, 2010 by akskiller


I feel Kinect is the beginning of the end for the XBOX. The Next generation of consoles for serious gamers belongs to Sony if MS doesn't remove its head from its ass. If all they want is the grandparent and 8 year old market, then well played, but they're starting to piss off the real gamers which is not a good sign. I don't want my XBOX to end up like my Wii, unused.

BatRastered rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Nov 1, 2010 by BatRastered


I was in the preview before the update kicked in for everyone else, and it has done that a couple of times to me.

Arthvader rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Nov 1, 2010 by Arthvader


I just thought it was super weird that the update would be forced while in a game and logged in. Maybe it only happened to a few people last night and it's not a big deal. The system should still be smart enough to NOT take me out of a game.

goukijones rated Xbox 360 Rent it
Nov 1, 2010 by goukijones

de bad shot

hey super awesome news, no ESPN for Canada, i pay the bill and get none of the reward. fuck Canada!

de bad shot rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Nov 1, 2010 by de bad shot


That's kinda stupid, hopefully this issue doesn't get worse.

pwny rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Nov 1, 2010 by pwny


Blame Canada!!!!

Cinderkin rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Nov 2, 2010 by Cinderkin


These Jimmys can't even get the basics working correctly and now they are going to add more stuff I dont care about. Oh and wait i get to pay for it even if I will never use it. Microsoft represents everything that is wrong with gaming today. Once again microsoft looks out for themselves first.

erikestrada has not rated Xbox 360 yet.
Nov 4, 2010 by erikestrada


at least world of warcraft gave you a heads up before shutting down the servers for a patch or maintenance. I came home and turned my xbox on to get slapped with the update. 10 bucks more to get bitched at by random assholes online when i suck at 1st person shooters...

vegetahimself has not rated Xbox 360 yet.
Nov 4, 2010 by vegetahimself


damn update stop me from hacking certain things shhhhh secret

kof2012 rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Jan 13, 2011 by kof2012

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