2009 Jimmy Gems - Video Game Awards Nominees

By goukijones — December 15, 2009
Tags: fallout-3 jimmy-gems nominees video-game-awards

Finally Gouki.com reveals their list of nominees for the 2009 Jimmy Gems. Video game awards!

2009 Jimmy Gems video game awards

Game of the Year

Best Multiplayer game

Best Hardware

Best Xbox 360 Exclusive

Best Playstation 3 Exclusive

Best Wii Exclusive

Best Music

Worst Collectors/Limited/Special Edition Item

Most Addiciting

Best Movie to Game translation

Best DLC

Best XBLA/PSN arcade game

Did we leave something out? Comment below...

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View the winners of the 2009 Jimmy Gem awards

Fallout 3

Fallout 3 Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

6 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Oct 28, 2008

Buy it! 70% - Rent it! 22% - Flush it! 9%
Crimson Relic

Yeah, don't forget Wolverine: Origins for best movie to game translation, killer.

Crimson Relic has not rated Fallout 3 yet.
Dec 15, 2009 by Crimson Relic


I'll put it in! I never got a chance to play that game, but I wanted too. I still look for it, but the game is still like $50 bucks!

goukijones rated Fallout 3 Buy it
Dec 15, 2009 by goukijones


GI Joe: Best movie to game translation

choke has not rated Fallout 3 yet.
Dec 16, 2009 by choke


GI Joe: One of the worst games ever and absolutely nothing to do with the movie. LOL.

goukijones rated Fallout 3 Buy it
Dec 16, 2009 by goukijones


I'm going to go pretty much Street Fighter VI across the board. You just can't beat how awesome it is to see a game that is basically the same as it was back in the 90's but still looks next gen. I have a soft spot for Street Fighter since I have such fond memories of going to Vito's Pizza up the street from my house with all my friends and dropping about $10 bucks every other day on Street Fighter II.

Aragrist has not rated Fallout 3 yet.
Dec 18, 2009 by Aragrist


I like the look of the ghostbusters game but I have no idea if it plays well. I really need to get a PS3, Xbox 360 and wii. I feel I'm being left out of a world that practically defined my life till my mid twenties.

Aragrist has not rated Fallout 3 yet.
Dec 18, 2009 by Aragrist


There has to be more choice in the music category. Come on! Music is what makes a game grab you emotionally. Final Fantasy would have total crap if it wasn't for its beautiful soundscapes. I'm a member at OCR and most of my iPod music is video game or video game remixes so don't tell me only two games came out this year with decent soundtracks.

Aragrist has not rated Fallout 3 yet.
Dec 18, 2009 by Aragrist

Crimson Relic

Hey you gotta throw Tekken 6 in there.

Crimson Relic has not rated Fallout 3 yet.
Dec 19, 2009 by Crimson Relic


@crimson relic ... I didn't play that. Street Fighter was far more upgraded than tekken this year. I can't even think about getting into that game. My Paul would raip you.

@aragist Ghostbusters looked cool! I didn't have any fun playing it. Music was whack ass this year in my opinion. My favorite soundtrack for games I played this year was the The Last Guy and Final Fantasy XII, but those games came out last year. The Halo music for being a Halo fanboy always gets me pumped up and into the action. Uncharted was just original.

goukijones rated Fallout 3 Buy it
Dec 19, 2009 by goukijones


Yo Jimmy! I was going to send you my nominees for best sub-$20 bargain game (you know, for all the cheap Jimmys out there). None of the sub-$20 games I grabbed this year came out in 2009, though. If you're cool, I'd love to give some more attention to some of the games from the last couple years that are worth every bit of what you pay for them - even in 2009.

If you're interested in adding the category, I'd nominate...
Mass Effect

Gears of War 2 (I've not played this one, but I've played the first one, and I know 2 can be grabbed for under or around $20 now)

Ninja Gaiden Sigma (This game is killer hard, but if you love a bunch of sweet action, it'll definitely keep you entertained)

Valkyria Chronicles (Still the best PS3 RPG right now, and it just recently got a killer price drop to $20)

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (I would have loved to have nominated Fallout 3, but it's still over $20, so I figured I'd give some more love to this Bethesda classic in the meantime)

jalexbrown rated Fallout 3 Buy it
Dec 23, 2009 by jalexbrown


gi joe was bad

sexyyrays rated Fallout 3 Buy it
Oct 24, 2010 by sexyyrays


2010 nominees coming early December!

BatRastered rated Fallout 3 Buy it
Oct 30, 2010 by BatRastered

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