Community Borderlands 2 Grab Your Gun
By dragonkiss83 —
August 12, 2011
What good are a ton of guns if they are all the same? Borderlands 2 is going to make sure you know what you're packing.
In Borderlands there were countless gun that you could find and use. Some had special powers, like the wave gun, others were kind of generic. But they all had a brand, could you tell them apart? This time around Gearbox wants to be sure you know who made your gun.
The Tediore guns seem to have a special style to them. When you run out of bullets you can throw it like a grenade, or leave ammo in for a bigger explosion. The gun will then respawn. Now that sounds like fun to me.
The Bandits will also be in the gun business this time around. You could be sporting a bottle instead of a scope or a screw instead of your sight. But they are going to offer the biggest clips.
Torque is going to bring the heavy hitters. These guns are all about a show of force.
These are going to be the sleek guns according to Gearbox, to me that means silencers and and assasin feel.
Jakobs should be a name you remember from the first game. This time around they will be bringing the old school guns and lots of damage.
Dahl is another familiar name. They will be offering up more realistic guns along the lines of what you see in your average FPS.
And Hyperion brought us claptrap so you can expect that to be the style you have.
Vladof will be hooking you up with the guns that are all about the fire rate. And as an added bonus they will sport minigun barrels.
With this much thought being put in for your guns my hopes are even higher for the rest of the game. They are taking the time to be sure that each maker has their own look and feel. And with any FPS your gun choice defines your play style. Will you be the guy who picks of the enemy from a distance or do you want to blow them apart? Borderlands 2 will let you play your way. Are you a spray and pray player or a gunslinger? You're covered. And of course I can't help but to hope we will see even more alien tech. Did you have a favorite gun from the first game or did you just use whatever you could find?
Don't be a jimmy. Let's hear what you hope they reveal next. Maybe what gun maker you are going to be looking for. What other types of characters do you want? We already know the Berserker will be able to do some double weilding what other perks do you want?
Source Gameinformer
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Sep 18, 2012