Fan Made Street Fighter III Animated Movie Promises Something Unique

By goukijones — February 1, 2013
Tags: video

Can you defeat Sheng Long? In 2013 you will find out. Check out 26 year old Victor Hugo's amazing character design & animation. Get hype!

At 0:35 you can see Gouki for just a slpit second. Here's a closer look.

This movie is going to be something special. I can't wait to see it.

Check out Victor's Website for more amazing artwork.

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Is it just me or does Ryu look a bit anorexic?

Feb 1, 2013 by kuroukage


The animation is cool and all but the character design seems kinda weak. It looks more like street fighter kid edition. Still it's bad ass for a fan CG animated film. I'll watch it.

Feb 9, 2013 by Daisymare

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