Final Fantasy XI still has new content 10 years later.

By goukijones — June 29, 2012
Tags: video

A new expansion for Final Fantasy XI has been announced for 2013. Including new Job Classes and areas to explore. Man I miss this game.

I got into Final Fantasy XI way back when the Xbox 360 first came out. In fact the only 2 games I was playing on my Xbox 360 when I first got it was FFXI and Halo 2. I didn't have any 360 games. I played the shit out FFXI, I spent well over a year of real time in the actual game. Too much maybe, but there is so much stuff to do, it's endless. I loved how everything was set up from the job classes, to the traveling, the rival towns and the questing. Unfortunately I didn't have any friends in this game either so after a while it was hard for me to continue. 

Check out the new content coming in 2012. I know it's a little rugged looking, but looks aren't everything and I always say, it's not about grpahics, it's about game play!

Anybody on Gouki still playing or want to play this with me? I'll start it up again right now! Vote, Comment and Share. Don't be a Jimmy!


I would like to play this game sometime in the future. how much is the monthly fee for this game?

BTW, definitely like the new job classes that is going to be in the next expansion.

Jun 29, 2012 by Arthvader


Just goes to show, when you do a game right it will last. I honestly thought user created stuff when I looked at the story title.

Jun 29, 2012 by dragonkiss83

Gorilla WarBear

jimmy bring back basterboi lol. i will play this again. i still got it. warbear war/nin ripping the shit outta jagged eared jack. still never got the drop. lol pwned the foook outta the AH. set a date for this lets get it on?

Jul 1, 2012 by Gorilla WarBear


This games unplayable to returning characters. I quit a year after the Abyssea add on was released (and the level caps moved up to 90) I think it's 99 now. The game has become so tedious. You can take any job to 90 in a couple of days. Currency is non existant due to all the best gear is reachable to a noob in a couple of weeks.

Wait for FFXIV to get it's revamp and move on.

Jul 8, 2012 by Zero2990


So does that mean we'll all going to party up? Just don't disband on Warbear has he's pulling a monster.

It'll be fun! We can even get that nuab Karma to party up I'm sure. That Jimmy is still playing it daily!

Jul 9, 2012 by goukijones


I gave that game up, it was too dangerous for someone who was unemployed. My last game time was well over 1000 days..

Jul 9, 2012 by Zero2990

Gorilla WarBear

still jones even to jump on it for while and see how it goes will still be fun.

Jul 10, 2012 by Gorilla WarBear


Ok I'm out of town again this week. I'll order when I get back and you better get on the same server and stuff with me. Plus you should be able to reactivate your old account. Easy.

Jul 10, 2012 by goukijones

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