Final Fantasy XVI Playstation 5 Exclusive Teaser Trailer

By goukijones — September 21, 2020
Tags: ff16 final-fantasy-xvi ps5-exclusive video

I'm not sure anyone was expecting this so soon. But here it is... Final Fantasy XVI

Gotta admit, this preview caught me a little off guard. I had no idea Square was working on another FF right now,but when I found out it was the FFXIV guys working on it, that made sense. They have been real slow with new FFXIV content this year and now we know why.

This one of course looks great in this teaser trailer. It looks like more fo the KH/FF7/FFXV engine at work. Now in it's fourth interation, I can only hope it captures me like FF7R did. I am looking forward to playing this sometime in 2022. 

Final Fantasy XVI

Final Fantasy XVI Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Jun 22, 2023

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