Giving away free game codes & DLC all weekend

By goukijones — November 21, 2011
Tags: freeish

We got a ton of codes to giveaway here. Batman Arkham City, DXHR, 2 1 year subs to XBL, and more. Just leave a comment on this story and I will randomly select winners. 1 each day to select something from the list. Starting Friday November 25, 2011.

Leave a comment that entertains me. Make sure you mention which one of the 5 main prizes you would like to win.

1 Person will be selected at random to pick something off of this list. When everything is gone the contest is over. First come, first served sucka. The first winner will be announced on Friday Nov. 25, 2011. Then one each day until Monday when the final two winner will be announced. 

5 Main Prizes

  1. Batman Arkham City for PC
  2. Deus EX Human Revolution for PC
  3. Dirt 3 for PC
  4. 2 1 years subscriptions for Xbox Live


Uncharted 3 Weapon Skins
Gears of War 3 Thrashball Cole Plushie
Team Fortress DLC
Halo Reach DLC

DLC codes are going to be given away at random over the weekend. So make sure you follow @goukinews on the Twitter. I will be posting codes directly to the Internets so you better be quick Jimmy.

This is a giveaway and reserves all rights. Rules & prizes subject to change at anytime. Anybody abusing anything on will be banned immediately. We run a fair and legitimate operation here. Don't be a Jimmy. Thanks for playing.

We’re serious about our giveaways and always try to do them bigger and better. Check out our previous contests and giveaways.

Batman: Arkham City

Batman Arkham City

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

28 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Oct 18, 2011

Buy it! 89% - Rent it! 11% - Flush it! 0%

[UPDATED] Nov 28, 2011 9:09:20 AM

Nov 28, 2011 by goukijones


11 Bit Studios has just sent over 5 Indie Strategy Bundles (Anomaly, Sanctum, Defense Grid, Sol Survivor and Revenge of the Titans.) We're going to giveaway all five bundles today. 

Shout out to Pawel at 11 Bit Studios.

Here's how to get 1 of these codes. 

You have to be a member on That means:

Completed profile - Valid email, Upload Gravatar. Put something in your "about me" section. 

*UPDATED*  I'm changing the rules on how to win the Steam games. You just have to friend GoukiJones and BatRastered on the Steam.

Post a picture or a link or something right in the comments below showing me your Steam status. Then I will select 5 winners at random. Well 4. The first person to prove his/her steam account will win!

*The bundle pack is not available on Steam now, but the codes are active and all ok.


[UPDATED] Nov 28, 2011 11:42:17 AM

Nov 28, 2011 by goukijones

We just got some Bastion Steam codes for PC.

You gotta be a member to win. Then leave a comment telling me why you want to play Bastion. 

FYI: I already know its bad ass fun.


[UPDATED] Nov 29, 2011 2:25:40 PM

Nov 29, 2011 by goukijones

Special Thanks to everyone checking out We want to encourage you post your own content about video games here on #Gouki. Don't be a Jimmy! Here's the final batch of codes. Which will you try first? Please leave a comment when you claim a prize. Thank you.

Nathan Drake Skin


Uncharted 3 MP Pack
This code will give you access to the Carpet Bomb Kickback, Clip Size Mod for Para 9, and Clip Size Mod for G-MAL.

Battlefield 3 Dog Tag Pack.



Halo Reach - Recon Helmet




Gears of War 3 Thrashball Cole Plushie


Indie Strategy



Good Luck.


What up Jimmy?! Last night I drank some Jack and Coke and ended up watching all your vlogs. The one where you fell over in your closet was the funniest. And to hell with those neighbors; keep it loud, keep it proud.

If I win, I'd like Arkham City for PC.

jalexbrown rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 21, 2011 by jalexbrown


Sign me up for a 1 year xbox live subscription ^^
I would just like to say that though gaming is fun. Chilling with your wife and son is even better ^^ Thanks for the chance man!

genxsis83 rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 21, 2011 by genxsis83


The Xbox Live sub looks like the best way to go.

Since my son has the week off from school I decided to teach him to ride a bike without training wheels. I very quickly realized walking next to a kid's bike with big feet is dangerous. He keeps running them over and falling off the bike and landing on me. At this rate I'm going to be stuck in bed icing the ankle down, Xbox Live would make that not a bad thing.

dragonkiss83 rated Batman: Arkham City Rent it
Nov 22, 2011 by dragonkiss83


Xbox live sub for me! @staulcub

Seven days without a pun makes one weak!

staulcub has not rated Batman: Arkham City yet.
Nov 22, 2011 by staulcub


Another epic giveaway nice. I would like Deus EX Human Revolution for PC. Thanks for the chance little jimmy!

akskiller rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 22, 2011 by akskiller


"Fixed is such a subjective word, i prefer treated, his mind was "treated", like how you treat a rash or an arrow to the face". Thank you for the giveaway, I'd like Batman: Arkham City.

Kyoakiara has not rated Batman: Arkham City yet.
Nov 22, 2011 by Kyoakiara


Just bought a brand new xbox 360 slim so I would love free xbox live for a whole year. It would be an AWESOME early Christmas gift from you guys at gouki!!!!

peacekper rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 22, 2011 by peacekper


looks like a good giveaway. If possible, I would like to try to win one of those 1 year xbl subscription for a friend. This way, we could both meet up from time to time, and say, maybe join in on some 'fights' online.

Arthvader rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 22, 2011 by Arthvader


I was teaching Adobe Illustrator today. One of my students never pay attention all semester, and never did any of the lessons. He was struggling today with his final illustration and said I don't know how to do this. I said "you never read the book, or did the lessons, I am not shocked." He said he thought he would be okay since he knew Photoshop (he really doesn't).

I said "Instead of knowing what you think you learned, you should have learned what to know..." He was stunned and the class laughed as I walked out on him.

I would love Deus Ex!

mackslappy has not rated Batman: Arkham City yet.
Nov 23, 2011 by mackslappy


Just want the Xbox Live. 360 won't collect that much dust if I have live. Also I can heat my house (or really my room) with the 360 in the winter since I don't have heat.

Brad_Ry has not rated Batman: Arkham City yet.
Nov 23, 2011 by Brad_Ry


I will be announcing the first winner and prize this evening. Don't be a Jimmy!

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 25, 2011 by goukijones


Brad_Ry congrats Jimmy! I'm gonna hook up the XBL, I'll send you an email in the morning. Thanks for playing. Another winner will be announces tomorrow.

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 25, 2011 by goukijones


Congrats Brad_Ry! Enjoy your year of XBL.

jalexbrown rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 25, 2011 by jalexbrown


I'm in college right now, in my senior year. My roommate for the past two years, John Michael, is the nicest, most optimistic guy you could ever imagine. He's always extremely upbeat, and he loves accounting. You'd really get sick of him if you didn't know about his dark past of all sorts of criminal activities. He's got a girlfriend named Carolyn; she goes to a different college and comes to stay with John during the weekends. She's studying to become a teacher, and you can tell she's going to be successful at it from her personality.

On the weekends, John Michael and Carolyn drag out this special air mattress so they can sleep on it together. They put it on the floor between the closet and my workstation, so I usually move my chair into a corner to make room for them. This has been going on since the beginning of this year.

This past Saturday, John Michael and Carolyn were getting ready for bed. They had blown up the mattress, and I pushed my desk chair into a corner. We turned off the lights and went to sleep. About ten minutes later, just as I'm dozing off, I hear this rustling coming from their bed. I'm thinking, "Oh great, really? They're going to do this now, while I'm in the room?" Just as I reach for my iPod, however, John Michael BOLTS upright like a Jack-in-the-Box and harshly whispers, "CAROLYN...CAROLYN..." Half-asleep, she says, "Mmm...what is it, John Michael?" And he just blurts out, "THERE'S A BEAR IN THE ROOM!" At this point, I sit up and look at him. And then I look at my chair. He thinks my desk chair is a bear. So I said, "John...that's my chair." And he whispers, "NO, IT'S A BEAR! HIDE! IT'S GONNA EAT YOU!" I got up to turn on the light, and he's curled in a ball, cowering behind Carolyn and whimpering. Then she hands him his glasses, and he sees it's just my chair. He's 22. He's 6'2". After we all laugh at how ridiculous that is, I turn off the light and we go back to sleep. Five minutes later, he gets up and puts my chair in the hallway. It was going to give him nightmares...

Another story I can recall is the one where we roomed in a triple last year with a fellow named Bill. He was a really strange guy and mostly kept to himself. Our sleeping arrangement then was that John Michael was on the top bunk, Bill was on the bottom, and I slept in the separate bed across the room. One night in February, I think, I'm lying in the bed listening to music and trying to go to sleep. Suddenly, I see Bill get up and look around. He just stands up...and grabs John Michael's big toe. Then he just groans softly...he's just standing there, with my friend's big toe in his hand, groaning and staring at him. I had no idea what to think. A few minutes go by and John Michael suddenly wakes up. And he looks down and sees Bill gripping his toe. He says, "Uh...hey Bill." Bill doesn't even sound asleep. He just says, "Hey big guy." And John Michael says, "So...what's up?" And Bill just says, "Oh...uh, sorry." Then he lets go of his toe and gets back in bed. And never speaks of it again. It was probably the creepiest thing I've ever witnessed first-hand. Bill left at the end of that semester...

Deus Ex: Human Revolution please.

secretclean rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 26, 2011 by secretclean


Dang congrats indeed I also wanted that xbox live code ^^
Let me put in an entry for Arkham City if that is ok.
I would like to play Arkham City cuz there is no better way to spend your time saving Arkham City... actually I mean collecting 400 somewhat meaningless riddler tropihes while the city is crumbling. Hmm maybe Batman needs to get his priorities straight ^^

genxsis83 rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 26, 2011 by genxsis83


I'd love to win Deus EX Human Revolution for PC if that's still available. Thanks for the giveaway!

alee has not rated Batman: Arkham City yet.
Nov 26, 2011 by alee


Awesome. I'm savin money!

Brad_Ry has not rated Batman: Arkham City yet.
Nov 26, 2011 by Brad_Ry


Team Fortress - Deus Ex - Pax West - Steam DLC = 23VWN-4R3T8-R5I(l)9Q [could be an i or an L there. idk.]

PS3 - Uncharted 3 Mystery Skinned Weapon #4 = EFHA-A5NK-LDBQ

First come first served. I will be posting the Dirt 3 code in the comments sometime today. Its for the PC. #dontbeajimmy

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 26, 2011 by goukijones


I'm confused by the first one. What's it mean? Team Fortress/Deus Ex? I don't get it. Either way the code wouldn't work, so I guess someone beat me to it.

jalexbrown rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 26, 2011 by jalexbrown


P.S.: I'd like to change my entry to Batman: Arkham City. :( I forgot I already had Deus Ex. :( Sorry!

secretclean rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 26, 2011 by secretclean


I would love that other 1 year sub to Xbox Live.

A man and a young boy are walking through the forest at night. The boy says to the man "Mister, it sure is spooky out here." The man replies "You think you're scared? I have to walk back out of here alone."

bipple305 has not rated Batman: Arkham City yet.
Nov 26, 2011 by bipple305


THANKS!!!!!!! I got the uncharted 3 DLC. *Start Hint* Now if I could only win the 1 year of XBL My life would be complete. *End Hint*

peacekper rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 26, 2011 by peacekper


I've been watching Hotmail all day waiting to get that Dirt 3 code.

jalexbrown rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 26, 2011 by jalexbrown


You gotta go to

Enter this code: 0549-5WOP-8425-72ST [careful here, the 0's might be O's and the O's might be 0's.]

#dontbeajimmy. Later tonight we will announce the winner of the Deus Ex Human Revolution. Tell a friend, Number 1 in the World.

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 26, 2011 by goukijones


You have to provide a scanned picture of the code because of all of those Steam keys that people got illegally.

I tried it and got this: "Thank you for choosing AMD.
We apologize for the inconvenience, however we will require additional information to process your claim.
Please provide a digital copy of your DiRT3 coupon. You may submit this copy as either a scan or photo. Please ensure that the promo code is clearly visible.
A screen capture of an electronic coupon or receipt clearly showing the promo code is also acceptable.
Upload the image using the form below. The image must be under 2 MB in size and in one of the following formats: jpeg, png, pdf and tiff.
When we have validated your coupon we will email you your DiRT3 game key.
If you have any other inquiries regarding DiRT3 please send an email to"

So yeah... :(

secretclean rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 26, 2011 by secretclean


Can you link me to that evidence of if anybody else gets this code, please post a confirmation for me. Thanks.

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 26, 2011 by goukijones


Okay. I'll take care of this.

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 26, 2011 by goukijones


got the same thing but i sent them a screen cap on the post with the code

peacekper rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 26, 2011 by peacekper


Dang...can't believe I didn't get it.

jalexbrown rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 26, 2011 by jalexbrown


Good luck Jimmys ...

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 26, 2011 by goukijones


I'd like glide around the Arkham City saving it from baddies in Batman Arkham City for PC. Wish my dreams come true. Thanks!

rann78 has not rated Batman: Arkham City yet.
Nov 26, 2011 by rann78


Filled it out and got the email saying it needed to be validated. Wonder if I was first or not. Guess we'll know soon enough.

jalexbrown rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 26, 2011 by jalexbrown


I sent one in too and haven't received a response. It might be two days before we'll know who's won. :(

secretclean rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 26, 2011 by secretclean


lol. My bad. I had no idea it was this ridiculous.

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 26, 2011 by goukijones


You should just make everyone happy and buy all of us a game (just kidding of course).

jalexbrown rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 26, 2011 by jalexbrown


AMD's gonna be really confused because they probably got several with the same code. maybe we'll get lucky and they'll get it to everyone especially if they got more then one person reading these emails.

peacekper rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 26, 2011 by peacekper


They probably register every code when it's redeemed to prevent anyone else from redeeming the same code. I doubt they'll accidentally give one to everyone.

jalexbrown rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 26, 2011 by jalexbrown


i sent one in as well, but good luck to everyone that sent it in, and congrats to the person that wins it.

Kyoakiara has not rated Batman: Arkham City yet.
Nov 27, 2011 by Kyoakiara


Shout out to MackSlappy, I'll be emailing you on how to claim your free copy of Deus Ex Human Revolution.

I'll also be posting some more dlc codes here in the comments today. So be ready.

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 27, 2011 by goukijones


Congrats MackSlappy. I thought about trying to get Human Revolution instead, but then I decided on Arkham City instead. Enjoy the game!

jalexbrown rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 27, 2011 by jalexbrown


Halo Legends Episode "The Package"


goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 27, 2011 by goukijones


Male Avatar Master Chief Armor


"Grunt Funeral" Skull


goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 27, 2011 by goukijones


I managed to get the Master Chief Armor. thanks for the code giveaway.

Arthvader rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 27, 2011 by Arthvader


Thank you Arth!

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 27, 2011 by goukijones


hope I can win the year of XBL ='(

Kruxx26 rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 27, 2011 by Kruxx26


congrats MackSlappy on the winning of dues ex!

Kyoakiara has not rated Batman: Arkham City yet.
Nov 27, 2011 by Kyoakiara


Thanks everybody. And thanks gouki for the game. Looking forward to getting the code.... oooh can't wait. I just bought Witcher 2 and Deus Ex will be a nice change from fantasy to sic-fi. Think I will try stealthy and then play a second time simply shooting everything in my way. HA!

mackslappy has not rated Batman: Arkham City yet.
Nov 27, 2011 by mackslappy


I really need that Xbox live I just bought a Xbox 360 and I can't play against anybody without it

peacekper rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 27, 2011 by peacekper


Shout out to Kyoakiara, I'll be sending you an Xbox Live gold card subscription in the email this afternoon.

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 28, 2011 by goukijones


Batman Arkham City winner will be announced tonight.

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 28, 2011 by goukijones


wow thanks a lot, that's incredibly surprising, much appreciated, and good luck to everyone on the batman arkham city giveaway. =)
here's my steam screenshot for the indie game giveaway =)

i apologize for it being pretty small and hard to read but my account name is anime1199 if its too difficult to read

and i just received the xbox live code, its greatly appreciated thank you very much. =)

Kyoakiara has not rated Batman: Arkham City yet.
Nov 28, 2011 by Kyoakiara


Well Jimmys, Kyoakiara has beat you all to it. He has won Xbox Live and an Indie Games Bundle for steam.

I'll DM you the code shortly bro. BTW, this disqualifies you from the rest of this giveaway. So everybody has a chance. You can't be using mods yo. jk.

We still have 4 bundles to giveaway.

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 28, 2011 by goukijones


thanks alot, and no worries, i kinda feel bad for winning twice now =(, but i wish everyone else luck.

Kyoakiara has not rated Batman: Arkham City yet.
Nov 28, 2011 by Kyoakiara


OK just realized the games are all Steam, but I would still love 1 year XBL,
Put me down :)

agentcoop007 has not rated Batman: Arkham City yet.
Nov 28, 2011 by agentcoop007


I would love to win Batman Arkham City! Please don't make me use vegetables on you aka Pepper Spray, to get it!

Garou rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 28, 2011 by Garou


I'd love to win one of the indie game bundles!

Here's proof for my Steam account, taken from the window that comes up when you log in:

Hope I win and thanks for running this giveaway! :)

Xorlathor has not rated Batman: Arkham City yet.
Nov 28, 2011 by Xorlathor


It would be awesome to win Batman: Arkham City but all of the prizes are good.
This is my Steam account.

Audio33 has not rated Batman: Arkham City yet.
Nov 28, 2011 by Audio33


Here's proof of my Steam account:

jalexbrown rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 28, 2011 by jalexbrown


I'm changing the rules on how to win the Steam games. You just have to friend GoukiJones and BatRastered on the Steam.

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 28, 2011 by goukijones


Invites sent.

jalexbrown rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 28, 2011 by jalexbrown


Sent the invites..

Xorlathor has not rated Batman: Arkham City yet.
Nov 28, 2011 by Xorlathor


I'd really love to win if I can only win once, I'd rather have Arkham City. :D I sent you friend requests anyway! (Jew Diamond Phillips)

secretclean rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 28, 2011 by secretclean


Congratulations secretclean you are the winner of the Batman Arkham City for PC. I'll email you the instructions shortly. Great stories btw.

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 28, 2011 by goukijones


Free Bastion Steam code

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 28, 2011 by goukijones


Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn. Oh well...congrats Secretclean and whoever redeemed the Bastion code.

jalexbrown rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 28, 2011 by jalexbrown


If you get the codes speak up. Thanks.

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 28, 2011 by goukijones


Woo, thank you goukijones! :D I just redeemed it and will be playing it religiously! :D And yeah, haha, my roommate IS ridiculous. We have so many running jokes around here about him. One time, he asked one of my friends her name and she said, "Moriah." So he said, "Moriah, cool! How many l's does that have?" And before I got there, he got wasted one night and stayed in the shower trying to wash himself with a blender for two hours. These things are all unintentional, which makes it even more ridiculous. He's the best Super Smash Bros player ever, though.

secretclean rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 28, 2011 by secretclean


Uncharted 3 DLC Codes.

Nathan Drake Skin

MP Pack
This code will give you access to the Carpet Bomb Kickback, Clip Size Mod for Para 9, and Clip Size Mod for G-MAL.

Good luck.

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 28, 2011 by goukijones


Got the mp pack THANKS!!!!!!!

peacekper rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 28, 2011 by peacekper


Gonna giveaway 3 more Indie Strategy Bundles for steam right now!

Congrats to jalexbrown, Audio33 and Xorlathor.

I'll email you guys the codes.

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 28, 2011 by goukijones


Nice, congrats guys on the win. And thanks for all the giveaways :D

ChaoticOrder75 has not rated Batman: Arkham City yet.
Nov 28, 2011 by ChaoticOrder75


Thanks Chaotic. We're trying to spread the word about Hopefully we get known for more than our giveaways.

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 28, 2011 by goukijones


Thanks for the bundle, Jimmy! After I finish the NeoGeo games, they're on my play list.

jalexbrown rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 28, 2011 by jalexbrown


Oh, and I don't know if there are any more Bastion codes, but I'd love to play Bastion because I think the art style looks amazing, I love RPGs, I thought the demo was great, and it's something I'd really like to review.

jalexbrown rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 29, 2011 by jalexbrown


Check the update.

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 29, 2011 by goukijones


the halo reach recon helmet code is incorrect.

Arthvader rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 29, 2011 by Arthvader


check the update? Where am i supposed to be looking i checked here, facebook, and twitter.

peacekper rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 29, 2011 by peacekper


its probably old Arth, my bad.

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 29, 2011 by goukijones


never mind found it

peacekper rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 29, 2011 by peacekper


@peacekper in this story in the update, up top.

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 29, 2011 by goukijones


unlike the SSF$AE code error, in which it said there was a problem with the offer, the halo reach code stated that the code is simply incorrect.

Arthvader rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 29, 2011 by Arthvader


btw, it seems most of the codes has already been taken by now.

Arthvader rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 29, 2011 by Arthvader


I'll investigate

goukijones rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 29, 2011 by goukijones


Too slow... Cool giveaways though^^

Frogboss has not rated Batman: Arkham City yet.
Nov 29, 2011 by Frogboss


i was too slow too because it took me a minute to find where goukijones posted it. but if i don't win anything else at least i'm going away with 2 uncharted 3 dlc codes. SO THANK YOU!!!!!!

peacekper rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 29, 2011 by peacekper


Dang...missed Bastion again. *Sigh* My luck knows no limits, apparently.

jalexbrown rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 29, 2011 by jalexbrown


Has anyone heard anything about that Dirt 3 code yet? I'm curious to see if anyone's got it, because I haven't gotten a reply yet.

jalexbrown rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 29, 2011 by jalexbrown


nope i haven't yet either

peacekper rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Nov 29, 2011 by peacekper


I don't honestly think anyone's going to end up having Dirt 3. Someone should've heard from them by now, I'd think.

jalexbrown rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Dec 3, 2011 by jalexbrown


Just an update: I decided that enough time had passed that it was worth emailing AMD and asking why it was taking so long. I got a response this morning with a new code to register that, the email said, would then need to be registered with AMD in order to obtain the Dirt 3 Steam code. I tried the code, and it's saying that the code's been redeemed. So one of two things has happened: The AMD support member sent me a key that they didn't realize had already been redeemed, or somehow a member of the community was also given the code and didn't post it. I responded to the email, saying that the code had already been used. We'll see what happens next.

jalexbrown rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Dec 12, 2011 by jalexbrown


I got a response email in which the support member emailed me a Dirt 3 Steam code. And it, too, had already been used. I'm starting to think all these codes are tied to the initial code Goukijones purchased and someone, somewhere did get this copy of Dirt 3. On the off chance that it was a genuine case of a hacker or keygen or just someone guessing the code, though, I decided to send one more email just to see what they say.

jalexbrown rated Batman: Arkham City Buy it
Dec 12, 2011 by jalexbrown



kof2012 has not rated Batman: Arkham City yet.
Dec 21, 2011 by kof2012

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