Halo 4 Live action trailer and first gameplay video

By BatRastered — June 4, 2012
Tags: 343-industries e3-2012 halo-4 trailer video-game-awards

The very first thing we were shown at Microsoft's Xbox E3 media briefing. We saw a cool trailer for Halo 4, but then we were surprised with some actual gameplay.

First a blend of live action and some clips from the game. This is the official trailer.

Description: Exclusively from E3: Part 1 of the Halo 4 E3 briefing. The "Commissioning" Live-Action Trailer witness the unbridled optimism of the launch of the UNSC Infinity, then its crash as an ancient evil pulls it into a mysterious world where the Master Chief will begin an epic new Halo adventure.

Now some real gameplay:

Description: Exclusively from E3: Get ready for more Halo 4 with gameplay from E3 2012. Part 2 of the game demo begins with edge-of-your-seat entertainment as the Master Chief faces new enemies and deadly technology as he races to save the shipwrecked UNSC Infinity.

Halo 4

Halo 4 Gouki Box Art

57 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Nov 6, 2012

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The new weapons from the Forerunners looks like UNSC weapons with plasma ammo. But the rest of the gameplay looks incredible, I hope the multiplayer side is just as incredible as the campaign.

fnjimmy has not rated Halo 4 yet.
Jun 4, 2012 by fnjimmy


I only played the first Halo way back in the day so this looks pretty badass. My question is, how does master chief get to where that starship is crashing before it crashes? Did I miss something in the timeline of the video?

Aragrist has not rated Halo 4 yet.
Jun 5, 2012 by Aragrist


Those forerunner weapons and enemies look badass. I'll be looking forward to seeing the rest of the new stuff since you know they only showed the tip of the iceberg.

dragonkiss83 rated Halo 4 Buy it
Jun 6, 2012 by dragonkiss83


@Aragrist Master Chief is lost in space and in cryosleep at the end of Halo 3.

BatRastered rated Halo 4 Rent it
Jun 8, 2012 by BatRastered


I was hyped when I saw both videos. Can't wait for this game to come out later on.

Arthvader rated Halo 4 Buy it
Jun 23, 2012 by Arthvader

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