Halo 4 PWN of the Week #1

By goukijones — December 17, 2012
Tags: gorilla-warbear pwn-of-the-week video

Here is the winning clip of the first ever PWN of the Week contest on Gouki.com for Halo 4.

Congratulations to Gorilla Warbear for sending me 1 of the best Splatter videos I've seen in a while. 

I am currently accepting clips for this week. A new winner will be selected each Saturday at 1PM live on the stream. twitch.tv/goukijones.

You can always create your own story about a Halo 4 clip YOU uploaded to the internet. Vote, comment & share. Don't be a Jimmy!

Halo 4

Halo 4 Gouki Box Art

57 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Nov 6, 2012

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