Hype a game, Win a game! Write a preview story to win.

By goukijones — September 10, 2011
Tags: contest freeish giveaway

Write a preview story about any new release video game, before its released. When your story hits 5,000 views Gouki.com will send you that game!

Lets keep this simple. This contest goes until further notice and more than 1 Gouki.com member can win per game. 

Choose any upcoming release from the Gouki.com catalog and write a preview. Use images, videos and text to describe to the Goukimunity why you are hype about a particular game.

When your preview story hits 5,000 views, Gouki.com will pre-order that game for you.

How do I get 5,000 views?! Easy, you got to share it. Use Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, dedicated game forums and other means you see fit to get people to read your story.

Get your friends to sign-up for Gouki.com. Use your special code in your profile to earn points too. Get them to post on Gouki and share their stories with your stories. Strategize Jimmy! We are all PWNrs right?


This is a contest and Gouki.com reserves all rights. Rules & prizes subject to change at anytime. Anybody abusing anything on Gouki.com will be banned immediately. We run a fair and legitimate operation here. Don't be a Jimmy. Thanks for playing.

We’re serious about our giveaways and always try to do them bigger and better. Check out our previous contests and giveaways.


this is a cool contest. I''l try to see if I can get enough viewers.

Sep 10, 2011 by Arthvader


I'd do this for gears 3 but the game comes out next week. :P

Sep 10, 2011 by akskiller

grey walrus

Really cool contest. Not the sort of thing I'm very good at though. Good luck to anybody that decides to enter.

Sep 11, 2011 by grey walrus


Just finished writing down my first preview story. Now, to start getting people to view it.

Sep 11, 2011 by Arthvader


I would do this for forza 4 and king of fighters 13 and gears

Sep 11, 2011 by kof2012


Dropping it to 5k views helps, sounds like a great deal. I guess I'll have to look for some other sites to share it on since some of my first stories here still don't have that many views. Good luck jimmies.

Sep 16, 2011 by DragonKiss83


I keep trying to find other sites to get more views, but no luck. is there any way for me to get my views up? it's probably already too late to get the views for my King of Fighters XIII preview.

Nov 28, 2011 by Arthvader


Sorry Arth. You're right tho it is tough. I'm gonna rewrite this contest soon enough.

Nov 28, 2011 by goukijones

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