Jill Gameplay in Marvel vs Capcom 3
By Cinderkin —
February 20, 2011
Alzmer posted a gameplay video of Jill Valentine, the first character from the DLC Pack with Shuma-Gorath. This video comes from a hacked version off the PS3 leading us to believe that these characters are on disc and just waiting to be unlocked.
"This was a relatively simple hack. I decrypted the PS3 version's executable file, changed some variables around, and replaced Viewtiful Joe with Jill. I then re-encrypted the executable and made a quick modification to the game-data MvC3 installs onto the PS3. (Namely, changed a parameter so that the game would treat the modified executable as though it were a patch.) After a bit more tweaking and poking at the game files, I successfully loaded her into the character select screen. (And yes, she's completely playable, albeit at the expense of losing Viewtiful Joe.)
Those who got special edition how do you feel? Where is the early access to these dlc characters. They are on the disc and not available for a whole month? What gives? Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!
Source: Alzmer
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Feb 15, 2011