My Street Fighter 3DS contest entry: top 5 anticipated 3DS games

By choke — April 21, 2011
Tags: 3ds contest ssf4 ssf43d-giveaway street-fighter-3ds street-fighter-4-3ds super-street-fighter-iv

Top 5 Anticipated 3DS games - contest entry

I havent owned a handheld gaming system since the Game Boy. That being said, here's my entry

1) High School Musical 3DS - With an option to eliminate Zac Efron and all the other male characters in the show from the game. Stop Vanessa Hudgen's nude pics from leaking! Help Ashley Tisdale get fitted into her cheerleading uniform! (Hellcats crossover FTW). Explore lesbian themes! Do homework. Sing songs. Mature audiences only.

PS.  For jimmy there will be an option to eliminate the female characters.

2) 5 Hour Energy 3DS - Oh no! You only have 2 hours to get ready for work AND read the newspaper. Find the 5 Hour Energy hidden in your cupboard in order to relax. Find the 4 Loko instead and play a bonus game of "Where did I hide the murdered hooker?" Rating: Everyone

3) Guy with a gun on a decimated planet attacked by Hostiles 3DS part 8 - just to get this over with because you know it's coming by the 5th month of the 3DS being out. Rating: People who don't get tired of the same thing

4) Ke$ha presents - I am the Dance Commander and I Command You to Dance 3DS - self explanatory. The future of music presents the future of gaming. Unicorns, lasers, Jack Daniels, HOT FUCKING TUNES. Must buy

5) Final Fantasy Presents the Sleep Chronicles Online 3DS - For those nights you have insomnia



Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition

Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition

8 Stories

Release Date: Mar 27, 2011

Buy it! 75% - Rent it! 17% - Flush it! 8%

Not even sure what to say here. I would have thought COD Barbie ops 3d would have made the list.

DragonKiss83 rated Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition Buy it
Apr 21, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Drop the COD part and I'm in.

choke has not rated Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition yet.
Apr 21, 2011 by choke


kill zac efron lol

kof2012 has not rated Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition yet.
Apr 21, 2011 by kof2012


Best late april fools post ever, jk. Good stuff :D

iorilamia rated Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition Buy it
Apr 22, 2011 by iorilamia


Congratulations you have the winning story Jimmy. Now I know Choke doesn't even have a 3DS, but his nieces do. And I also understand that his nieces may not like Street Fighter, but his brother does.

Choke had the best story stats. "PS. For jimmy there will be an option to eliminate the female characters." Classic stuff.

Get ready for our Street Fighter Arcade Edition giveaway.

goukijones rated Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition Flush it
May 1, 2011 by goukijones


yes that's all rghit

kzar67 has not rated Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition yet.
May 24, 2011 by kzar67

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