Community new Nintendo DS coming soon

By bmorenmiami — October 30, 2009
Tags: news preview

New larger Nintendo DS coming to U.S. in 2010

Nintendo DS goes supersize: Introducing the DS XL

Apparently, smaller is out and big is in.  According to several video game insiders Nintendo is due to release next month in Japan a new DS that has 4.25 inch screens (much larger than the 3' inch screen of the current model) that has an 80% larger screen area.  It overall will be longer and thicker.  Even  the stylus will be jumbo sized!

I'm not sure about the logic behind this,(I thought everyone always wants smaller!) I mean isn't the PSP doing poorly because of size?  From what I hear it is going to be marketed to older and younger gamers who have trouble viewing the current 3 inch screen.

The price point is expected to be higher than the DSI current price point of $169.99 here in the U.S.  It should launch in North America sometime in first quarter 2010.

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Nintendo DSi

Nintendo DSi

1 Stories

Release Date: Apr 5, 2009

Buy it! 68% - Rent it! 11% - Flush it! 21%

Theres better games for my iPhone than on DS.

iJazzercise has not rated Nintendo DSi yet.
Nov 2, 2009 by iJazzercise


This is just what the world needed.

choke has not rated Nintendo DSi yet.
Nov 3, 2009 by choke

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