Play XBLA Games, Earn Xbox Live Rewards!

By Cinderkin — March 28, 2013
Tags: microsoft news xbla xbox-live-rewards

Microsoft is offering gamers a chance to earn some Xbox Live Rewards for buying XBLA games for the month of April. Check it out.

Starting Monday, April 1, we’re launching an exclusive feature for Xbox LIVE Rewards Members, MyPunchcard, an exciting new way to get rewarded for doing what you love!  And this April, all the action is in arcade games with our exclusive Play To Earn offers, your passion for playing arcade games can pay off in a big way.

Only the most devoted Arcade fans have what it takes to black out all three Arcade Punchcards. Those who do will be guaranteed a spot in an upcoming VIP Exclusives. By simply playing your favorite arcade games and adding to your game collection, you can earn rewards in April.

Here’s the three ways you can earn rewards all month long.

  1. Play 20 hours of any combination of arcade games, receive a free avatar item
  2. Purchase any four arcade games for 400 Microsoft Points or more from Xbox LIVE, receive a one month Xbox LIVE Gold membership
  3. Spend 3200 Microsoft Points on arcade games, receive 800 Microsoft Points in return. 

It’s easy and fun, you can earn for playing and or buying ANY arcade game from Xbox LIVE. 
So, play the games you already know and love like Minecraft, Terraria, Trials Evolution, Counterstrike: GO, Castle Crashers, The Walking Dead, LIMBO and more and discover new games to try and buy from Xbox LIVE. 

Here’s a list of games launching in April.

You’ll need to be an Xbox LIVE Rewards member to sign up and learn more on

What are your thoughts on this? $40 in one month is quite a lot to spend. Although there are some decent titles coming next month. Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!

Original source.


These mofos never gave me my points for Halo 4. I don't believe in this shit.

Mar 28, 2013 by goukijones


After all the years and money I've dropped on this console they should give me the last year of releases for free. I mean they know people are just waiting for PS4 and Nextbox.

Mar 28, 2013 by sicoyoda



I agree, the reward system is awful and honestly a slap in the face to the hardcore gamers.

Mar 28, 2013 by Cinderkin


Who gives a shit about avatar items?

I still don't understand how the rewards work. I get an email telling me they put 0 points in my account this month, but I was awarded 100 and have 50 pending. WTF does that even mean? Just give me the fucking points... it's only a $1.50. Then they have the nerve to send me 20MSP for my birthday. A whole quarter? Wow, in 3 more years I'll be able to afford a T-shirt for my avatar!

Mar 29, 2013 by BatRastered


I dont think even Microshaft has figured it out honestly. Its a pie brained Idea to start with and the implementation was garbage.

Mar 29, 2013 by sicoyoda


@ BatRastered

They will only give you points if it's a 100 or more. So you will be forever at 50 points pending until you do something to raise that number. I was at 90 points pending for 6 months. One day I got 20 points for doing something and bam they sent me 100 points with 10 points pending. It's stupid.

Oh and the birthday "Gift" is straight garbage. If anyone gave me $0.25 for my Birthday I would smack the shit out of them.

Mar 29, 2013 by Cinderkin


I gotta get my quarter ready. Spoiler its gonna be in pennies.

Mar 29, 2013 by sicoyoda


@ sicoyoda

I will slap you so hard if you dropped 25 pennies at my feet in a few weeks.

Mar 29, 2013 by Cinderkin


Good to know I'll chuck em at your head LoL

Mar 29, 2013 by sicoyoda


@Cinderkin I know how the pending works, what I don't get is the last number. Here's my most recent statement...

Total Microsoft Points Pending: 50 -- get to 100 and then deposit
Total Microsoft Points Earned to Date: 1090 -- OK
Total Bonus Microsoft Points Awarded: 100 -- WTF IS THIS?

Mar 29, 2013 by BatRastered


@ BatRastered

LOL those bonus points.

Mar 29, 2013 by Cinderkin

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