Community Reach For The Sky
By de bad shot —
September 10, 2010
Nub farm guide to jet packs
wud up nub farms. halo reach is less than 4 days away, and i realize that some of you poor suck'az wernt in the reach beta. (Man Of Ponage) Well heres a little leg up (pun intended) for you r-tards that are coming in to reach with no experience what so ever. I am sure you all know about the armor abilities by now, if you don't then go fuck your self. Now theres only one that you really need to bother with, the jet pack. this little bad boy is the shit, hands down. who gives a shit about sprint when you could just fly around.
Key fact number one, it last about 4 seconds so handle with care. Key fact number 2, falling damage is a real threat, don't be a nub farm and fall to your death. Key fact number 3, its loud as shit so don't bother trying to sneak around with it. no that those are out of the way ill impart some knowledge on how to use this mother fucker.
key use number 1, this thing is crazzy good for getting around levels. don't be like one of those fuck tards like EPIC AR, who runs around to get to point a to point b. if where you need to be is right above your head just hit the gas and your there, end of story. Key use number 2, this is the more fun and easy way of pwning. when you are trying to kill some fuck tard its super fun and super easy to just fly right over his head and break his fucking neck with the melee assassinations. these make for great pictures by the way. key use number 3, now this is new to me but unlike the beta you can use this jet pack when you are carrying the flag. this leads to all kind of fun in my mind. some dip shits chasing you down on the bottom level when you have the flag, well jet up a level and that is a big fuck you to them. Key use number 4, this comes with a little more practice but it is rewarding and just super dooper cool. theres all kinds of little pillars and shit that you can only reach with the jet pack on most the levies. add a little ninja skills to your arsenal by jumping form pillar to pillar with the jet pack shooting any mother fucker who happens to be under you. its super fun to do, and its super frustrating to the guy who is receiving the punishment. Key use number 5, the high flying pistol shots. now that the original pistol is back you can zoom in with this bad boy and snag some head shots from your buddys. This is a true skill when you get down to it, but if you can pull it off you will be sniping kills from all your fiends. when you see your buddy shooting the shit out of some one just get some height and zoom in with your pistol and snag a head shot. this works a little better with the DMR but the pistol is just way more fun.
with these tips you jimmys will be the cream of the crop in no time. and beside getting twice the kills with half the work is just so much better.
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Sep 14, 2010