Community RedRapper is in the SSF4 3DS U.S Commercial? Holy...

By iorilamia — March 14, 2011
Tags: 3ds commercial redrapper ssf4 us video

US commercial for SSF4 3DS released, with a very familiar voice to the fighting game community...

RedRapper is featured in the comercial spotlifght for 3D ssf4. This may not be exciting to some (specially if you are not a fan of his work) but it is pretty cool. He has done a lot of songs for the fighting game community, most known for his Evo 2010 finals rap. Congrats to him. I like it, the song fits well with the commercial, short and sweet. Check it out and leave your comments below.

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Red Rappers Youtube Channel toc heck out more of his works -


Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition

Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition

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Release Date: Mar 27, 2011

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