REPLAY: #FMIWT Top 8 The Welcome Gauntlet

By goukijones — December 5, 2013
Tags: for-me-it-was-tuesdays video

Sometimes you gotta battle your way thru a crowd of Jimmys to get some respect. Much love to Rocky ThePeoplesChoice for coming out & playing on Tuesday. Welcome to the club brotha!

Rocky is on Player 1 side for the entire gauntlet. Here is the list of his competitors. 

Player 1 DumaBalrog

Player 2 Mach Tuck

Player 3 MasterMitsurugi

Player 4 MNO

Player 5 FnJimmy

Player 6 Dumabalrog (Final Boss)

Player 7 GoukiJones (Secret Boss)

Thanks for watching. The final #FMIWT for 2013 will be on December 10. Please contact me if you are interested in playing that night. Don't be a Jimmy!

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