Community Some of my past MvC 2 friendly Matches

By Arthvader — December 7, 2010
Tags: arthvader-fights blog marvel-vs-capcom-2 video

With MvC3 comming up, I've decided to put up some of my friendly matches i had with some of my xbox live friends from back in January. Arthvader Fights is on Please watch and leave comments below. Thanks.

I do hope you enjoy some of these vids as I had fun being part of it. (Please, do note that I wasn't the one who recorded and posted the vids. Like i said, these are friendly matches, and you will hear commentary/conversation during these battles. Also, the vids that i put here is a set of 7 vids.)








Good casuals sort of wished the person didn't upload the commentary i actually do like the MVC2 soundtrack. Also glad to see some other characters being played instead of top tier ones.

Dec 7, 2010 by Celcarion


Commentary wasn't too bad. Nice vids. I'm surprised there weren't alot of MSP or PSS or the variants. GOD I HATE TRIANGLE JUMPS.

Dec 7, 2010 by InfestedOreo


Nice vids arth.

Dec 8, 2010 by erikestrada

DE bad shot

no warmachine?

Dec 8, 2010 by DE bad shot


gasms in beggining of 3rd vid,lol

Dec 9, 2010 by iorilamia



Jan 13, 2011 by kof2012

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