Spec Ops: The Line "Community Gameplay" Trailer .. Uh What?

By goukijones — March 12, 2012
Tags: video

What does community gameplay mean to you? There definitely isn't any gameplay in the video. I need to see a HUD for it to be official gameplay. Somebody tell WTF is happening here.

Gouki.com first got a look at Spec Ops: The Line at E3 2010. That's right, 2010. This game wasn't even at the show last year. This trailer says it's "community gameplay." No HUD, I mentioned that earlier, so gameplay is not a fair description. Community what? You tell me. Is anybody gonna play this?

Spec Ops: The Line

Spec Ops: The Line box art

3 Stories

Release Date: Jun 26, 2012

Buy it! 50% - Rent it! 0% - Flush it! 50%

Spec Ops: Discount Bin doesn't look like a game I'll be buying. And there are a couple chunks of video that could pass as gameplay, but with no hud for ammo at least it doesn't convince me.

dragonkiss83 rated Spec Ops: The Line Flush it
Mar 14, 2012 by dragonkiss83


You'll have to let us know if this shows up at this year's E3. Looks like all cinematic to me. So close to release supposedly and still no actual gameplay?

ripper71 has not rated Spec Ops: The Line yet.
May 25, 2012 by ripper71

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