Community SSFIV Fight Club in Las Vegas

By Crimson Relic — January 7, 2010
Tags: 2010 blog ps3 super-street-fighter-iv trailer xbox-360

A special night for Street Fighter.

     Tonight in Las Vegas, Capcom will be holding it's Fight Club event featuring Super Street Fighter 4. So far all we know is that everyone will be playable except the unnannounced Third Strike characters and the yet to be revealed Hakan. There are going to be a lot of camera's, so expect to see lots of footage hitting the web tonight and tomorrow.

     If you would like to watch live streaming of the event, it will start here at 7 p.m. PST and for you people on the eastside, that's 10 p.m. 

     It will be a good chance for members of the community to do some more testing with Adon, Cody and Guy, as well as see what balance changes have happened to the rest of the cast since the Fight Club event in New York went down a few months back.

Aftershow Updates:

They had 5 new flavors of fightsticks on showcase. This is the one I want:

 Info from the event: **Compiled by** A trusted member of the SF community said he walked right up to Seth and asked if there were any balance changes in this build of the game and he said, "No. It's the same build as SFIV just with new chars and new Ultra's." So any of these "this seems to be nerfed" and "this appears to be stronger" is all bull most likely.


* The biggest reveal is that Juri has a Custom Combo type Ultra, where she activates and is able to chain together attacks for a set period of time.

* It's not clear if you can juggle with these attacks or how much damage they do within combos.

* Has some sort of EX Teleport move? Not sure what it was exactly, but seemed to pass through attacks to the other side of the screen. (One of our readers points out this is a counter move which allows her to appear in various positions around her opponent. Combine this with her CC Ultra and she will be a real pain to deal with up close.)

* Very fast but takes a lot of damage.

* As previous reports mentioned, seems to have some dive kick/overhead attack. Was hard to tell what was going on the stream though.


* Guile receives Sonic Hurricane as his new Ultra which should help his ground game immensely.


* New Ultra, although not very flashy like his original Ultra, seems to work very well as an anti-air.

* New Ultra doesnt seem to connect off of orignal Ultra set ups.

* EX Snake Strike damage NERFED HEAVILY. Saw jump RH into EX Snake Strike do a fraction of the damage that it used to.


* New Ultra appears to be an air grab with a lot of start up.

* Not sure of Ultras proper application but most likely useful again projectile throwing opponents.


* Dirty Bull is a 720 Grab Ultra where he lands a head butt, steps on their foot and then knocks them out with a punch. Very similar to one of Steve Fox's move in Tekken 6.


* New Ultra is Kikousho fireball, much like her super from Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike.

* New Ultra can be comboed from EX Legs from ANYWHERE on the screen.

* "Chun's new ultra is quarter circle inputs, no charge needed" - Kamano

* Apparently a solid anti air Ultra.


* Knife seems to have incredible range -- not sure of practical applications though since he has to pick it up to use it.


* New Ultra juggles his opponents with sambas.


* New "1 Inch Punch" is a counter Ultra.


* Fierce shoryuken is now two hits.


* Ultra now has way less recovery.

* 2nd Ultra is a beefy Ochio.


* Lariat seems to have nerfed damage.


* Has his chain combos from the alpha series.

* His second ultra is a very flashy Gen-type move. Think "Raging Demon with the lights on".

* Appeared to have an air grab but cant remember 100%.


* New Ultra is a "SNK Style Gadouken"


* New Ultra allows him to grab his opponent and blasts them with Psycho Power. Works like El Fuertes original Ultra or Alex's "Stun Gun Headbutt" from Third Strike.


* "Vega's ultra 2 is a slide, followed by a backflip kick and then a nasty slash at the opponent as they fall" - Kamano


* Has a new move that uses 1 EX Bar but is unknown what it does at this time, he stands there and fixes his hand wrap.**-We now know from Gootecks that this is a power-up move that makes his next uppercut stronger!

* Second Ultra is Tiger Cannon.

* Damage seems to be nerfed but hard to tell.

* Most all of his dirty set ups still seem to work (F+RH x2 etc)


* Seems very fast, but many of his moves lost to T. Hawks specials.

* Seems to have a great set of high priority normal moves.


* Seemed like a real tank type character. Most of his normals did massive damage.

* A couple command grabs/super and/or Ultra and it was good night for most opponents.

* Seems to be a good character for people with poor execution but good zoning and mind games.


* New Ultra is "Shout of Earth" -- although it wasn't shown, it's supposedly a spin off of his Super in CVS2.

Watch as Gouken's new Ultra Denjin bounces this fool OFF THE WALL!

Vega vs Cody Gameplay w/better look at Vega's 2nd Ultra:

Seth's 2nd Ultra:

Sakura's 2nd Ultra:



Both of those videos are awesome. I hope SSFIV gets me back into it hardcore like.

Jan 7, 2010 by goukijones

Crimson Relic

You need to get back into it now so you can still own win the new one comes out. I'm on all day and night today. I also wanted to point out that these videos finally confirm that you have to select an Ultra before the match. I was hoping you could pull out either one during the fight, it would have been better for mind games IMO.

Jan 7, 2010 by Crimson Relic

Crimson Relic


Jan 7, 2010 by Crimson Relic


The new Ryu ultra is badass. I cant wait to see Jimmy throw it out randomly and whiff with it every Saturday night.

Jan 7, 2010 by choke


New stages too... I was getting tired of the old ones, hopefully more variety in this one.

Jan 7, 2010 by BatRastered

Crimson Relic

Unfortunately there are only 4 brand new stages and a re-worked Seths' Stage for SSFIV.

Jan 7, 2010 by Crimson Relic


I think they set this one up for dlc. I'm wishing for stages, costumes, and new guys with DLC in the future.

Jan 7, 2010 by goukijones

Crimson Relic

Ono has already stated their will be no additional chars. up for DLC but yeah, I definitely want some more stages and costumes.

Jan 7, 2010 by Crimson Relic


I don't pay for costumes.

Jan 7, 2010 by BatRastered




Jan 7, 2010 by choke

Crimson Relic

If only there was a shot....

Jan 7, 2010 by Crimson Relic


The new videos are sweet. I'll be watching the live feed tonight.

Jan 7, 2010 by goukijones


Will there be more new stages for Super Street Fighter IV and when will they reveal more new stages of Mexico, Thailand, Spain, USA, Jamaica, England, Italy, France, Japan, Hong Kong, Europe, grassy stage, waterfall stage, forest stage for Super Street Fighter IV? I want more new stages to be in for Super Street Fighter IV.

Jan 8, 2010 by jmodlin210

Crimson Relic

I know how you feel jmodlin...the community is crying out for every character to have their own stage. So far you get 4 new stages, one of which can be set to an eclipse setting and then a version of Seth's stage with more exploding action.

Jan 8, 2010 by Crimson Relic


What kind of Downloadable Content will Super Street Fighter IV have? I want more new stages for Super Street Fighter IV of Mexico, Thailand, Spain, USA, Jamaica, England, Italy, France, Japan, Hong Kong, Brazil, Russia, China, Europe, grassy fields stage, waterfall stage, forest stage, ocean stage for Super Street Fighter IV along with train.

Can you please ask Ono from Capcom of Japan that he is the producer of Street Fighter IV if they will show and reveal more new stages for Super Street Fighter IV of Mexico, Thailand, Spain, USA, Jamaica, England, Italy, France, Japan, Hong Kong, Brazil, Russia, China, Europe, grassy fields stage, waterfall stage, forest stage, ocean stage, train stage?

Jan 8, 2010 by jmodlin210


Mexico, Thailand, Spain, USA, Jamaica, England, Italy, France, Japan, Hong Kong, Brazil, Russia, China, Europe, grassy fields stage, waterfall stage, forest stage, ocean stage, train stage. For fuck sake Ono! Put more stages in!

Jan 8, 2010 by goukijones


Please tell Ono to put more stages in for Super Street Fighter IV of Mexico, Thailand, Spain, USA, Jamaica, England, Italy, France, Japan, Hong Kong, Brazil, Russia, China, Europe, grassy fields stage, waterfall stage, forest stage, ocean stage, train stage.


Jan 8, 2010 by jmodlin210

Crimson Relic

Thanks Jonny. I personally want to see the old Sagat Stage return as well as the dark grassland stage that is teased in every trailer that Ryu and Ken are fighting in from the Alpha series. A train stage was initially in development for SSFIV, but was cut along with a castle stage, a different version of the distillery and another.

Jan 8, 2010 by Crimson Relic


Did you tell Ono about putting more new stages for Super Street Fighter IV of Mexico, Thailand, Spain, USA, Jamaica, England, Italy, France, Japan, Hong Kong, Brazil, Russia, China, Europe, grassy fields stage, waterfall stage, forest stage, ocean stage, train stage and what did he say? Ask Ono if Capcom will release Hyper Street Fighter IV containing Street Fighter III characters of Alex, Elena, Yang, Urien, Hugo, Street Fighter Alpha characters of Birdie, Karin, Rolento, Sodom, Charlie, Final Fight characters of Lucia Morgan, Mike Hagger, Dean, Carlos, Street Fighter 1 characters of Retsu, Joe, and new characters, a lot of stages and more upgrades of Street Fighter IV like Ultra Street Fighter IV, Final Street Fighter IV with remaining Street Fighter III characters, Street Fighter Alpha characters, new characters, Street Fighter IV: Third Strike along with a lot of stages.

Also tell Seth Killian and ask him if Capcom will reveal more stages of Mexico, Thailand, Spain, USA, Jamaica, England, Italy, France, Japan, Hong Kong, Brazil, Russia, China, Europe, grassy fields stage, waterfall stage, forest stage, ocean stage, train stage.


Jan 9, 2010 by jmodlin210

Crimson Relic

Bro, it wasn't THAT funny, the first time you did it. It's not funny at all now. Cut out the trolling please.

Jan 9, 2010 by Crimson Relic


Trolling heard.

Jan 9, 2010 by goukijones


I'm sorry about trolling. I am looking forward of Capcom revealing more new stages for Super Street Fighter IV of Mexico, Thailand, Spain, USA, Jamaica, England, Italy, France, Japan, Hong Kong, Brazil, Russia, China, Europe, grassy fields stage, waterfall stage, forest stage, ocean stage, train stage, ninja village. I am also interested and I am looking forward of getting the remaining Street Fighter IV upgrades that will have the remaining Street Fighter Alpha cast, Street Fighter III cast, Final Fight cast, Street Fighter 1 cast, and brand new characters along with a lot of background stages and more bonus stages.


Jan 9, 2010 by jmodlin210



Jan 9, 2010 by BatRastered


Are they putting more new stages for Super Street Fighter IV? I hope you are enjoying the fight club in las vegas, nevada for super street fighter iv and i am looking forward of seeing the street fighter iii third strike characters of makoto, ibuki, dudley, a new character hakan, and charlie from street fighter alpha series and also looking forward of seeing more new stages and everything for super street fighter iv and did capcom announce an official release date for super street fighter iv?

Jan 9, 2010 by jmodlin210

Crimson Relic

Yo Jonny. What country are you from yo?!

Jan 9, 2010 by Crimson Relic


That Jimmy is from NEW HAVEN, Connecticut he is a proper nuab!

Jan 9, 2010 by goukijones

Crimson Relic

Nuab...I was wondering how that would be spelled, thnx!

Jan 9, 2010 by Crimson Relic


All I have to say is:

Jan 10, 2010 by Core

Crimson Relic

Word. That is funny as hell. It does look retarded.

Jan 10, 2010 by Crimson Relic


Either way that's a cool ass ultra.

Jan 10, 2010 by goukijones


Also tell Seth Killian and ask him if Capcom will reveal more stages of Mexico, Thailand, Spain, USA, Jamaica, England, Italy, France, Japan, Hong Kong, Brazil, Russia, China, Europe, grassy fields stage, waterfall stage, forest stage, ocean stage, train stage.

Jan 16, 2010 by goukijones


Will Capcom reveal more stages of Mexico, Thailand, Spain, USA, Jamaica, England, Italy, France, Japan, Hong Kong, Brazil, Russia, China, Europe, grassy fields stage, waterfall stage, forest stage, ocean stage, train stage, boxing ring stage for Super Street Fighter IV?

Jan 21, 2010 by jmodlin210


Boxing ring stage would be awesome.

Jan 23, 2010 by goukijones


jmodlin210 is my favorite poster next to the Real Jimmy.

and Erik Estrada.

Nice to see they didnt seem to give rose anything extra except for Strider's super from the Capcom vs games.

Thanks Capcom. =/

Jan 25, 2010 by choke


Rose = massively overpowered.

Jan 25, 2010 by goukijones


God tier for sure.

Jan 27, 2010 by choke


i love ssf4

Feb 4, 2011 by blazemanx

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