Community Star Wars The Old republic, this'll be a great movie ...

By DragonKiss83 — June 6, 2011
Tags: e3-2011 pc star-wars-the-old-republic video

seriously it's a game? Where the fuck is the game play then?

The video looks good and I've enjoyed the character class reveals they have given us.  But are we buying a movie or a game?  Why at E3 would you not show how good the game plays?  The pre E3 videos were better.  But it is a Star Wars game so it would sell like crazy with a black box without a picture because of the army of fanboys out there.  But not even a release date, what a load of crap.  Come on guys.

Not the E3 video

I'll add the E3 video when they upload it.

Here it is, not the official one yet.

How much longer do you think they will drag this out?  Will we be seeing it again at E3 next year?  I want it to hurry up and get on the PC so they can port it to a console for me.




I was hoping for a release date at the EA conference, but no go.

Jun 6, 2011 by BatRastered


no go fuck that let's kick some ass why am I whooping ass again

Jun 18, 2011 by kof2012


good and good

Sep 8, 2011 by kzar67

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