Community Super Street Fighter IV Preview
By Crimson Relic —
April 9, 2010
Once again the Tournament of World Warriors is upon us. So what's in store? Check out this preview for all the info on Capcom's next entry in the Street Fighter series.
With the release of Super Street Fighter IV only a little over two weeks away, the hype is building! Gamers all over the world are anticipating the release of this title, eager to get a hold of the new characters and let everyone feel their heavy hand. With all of the additional content this version has to offer over Street Fighter IV, the price of $40 brand new is a steal. So just what is the extra content we're getting? Let's see.
The Characters:
In addition to the original 25 characters from SFIV, there are now 10 more warriors to battle with. Three of them are taken from SF3: Third Strike-Makoto, Dudley and Ibuki. Three more are from the Street Fighter Alpha series-Cody, Guy and Adon. On top of that are two brand new characters-A practioner of Tae-Kwon-Do, Juri and a Turkish Oil Wrestler, Hakan. Dee Jay and T. Hawk are returning as well. There have never been so many fighters added at once before, bringing tons of new match-ups. All of the original 25 have also been re-balanced. Changes have been made to properties of moves, frame-data, hitboxes, combo's and in some cases new special moves have even been added. The icing on that cake is that all 35 fighters now have two ultra's to pick from.
Characters and Features Trailer:
Online Modes:
- Endless Battle Mode: This is basically the 8-player lobbies we are used to. Two players battle it out while the other 6 spectate the match and voice chat is open for all to communicate. The fact that this mode was missing from SFIV left many fans scratching their heads. The days of quiet 1v1 battles are almost over!
- Team Battle Mode: In this mode you have teams ranging from 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 or any mix of those, so you can have 2v4 or 4v3 if you wanted. It will continue searching for other players to fill the empty slots for you so you don't have to create room after room, as long as the slots are not set to "private".
- Replay Channel: Capcom has went above and beyond this time with the replays. You can watch and save other player's battles, as well as your own. The only requirement to upload your replays is that you have won 3 battles in a row. There are filters in place that will make searching for the type of replay you're looking for easier. They are "Alpha", "Turbo and III", "Bosses" and "Newcomers". When watching a replay, you can choose to see input data from the controllers or joysticks, along with damage/stun/combo data. You can also choose to watch in slow motion or utilize the new ability to watch the match frame-by-frame! In any online mode if you are watching a match, with the touch of a button you can record and save that match to your hard drive! Thought that the match wasn't that good, but then something cool happened? No worries. Just press the record button and you'll get the match in its entirety! You can also gather up to 7 people with you in a lobby to watch one of the replays you have and anyone can save it.
SSFIV has 5 new stages to offer:
African Savannah Stage:
Construction Site:
Street Marketplace:
India Stage:
Seth's Stage:
Many fans(including myself) do not think this is enough stages. Seth Killian has confirmed that they have heard our cries and know that we want more, though there is no word whether we will be able to get some as DLC or not. The stages that we have gotten are nice looking though and are a welcome addition.
Other Extra's:
- Bonus Rounds: Remember smashing the car and breaking the barrels in the original SF2? Well these bonus stages are back in the Arcade Mode for your destructive pleasure.
- Intros and Endings: Since SSFIV is set one year after the original, there are new intro and ending animations for all 35 characters. It was said by Ono in the beginning of SSFIV's development that he had heard the cry of the fans about the quality and length of the cutscenes and promised that the ones in SSFIV would be much better. Unfortuntely they ran out of time and money, resulting in actually worse intros and endings for everyone. Now instead of actually being animated, you watch still screen pictures with voicework over it.
- New Alternate Outfits: All of the returning fighters will get one new costume, giving them 3 in total. The 10 new warriors will have 2 costumes. Capcom has unfortunately decided of going down the path of having you pay for these new costumes as DLC unlocked from the disc despite major complaints from the community when they did this in SFIV. You can either buy packs of costumes individually over time or wait until they all come out and then by the all-in-one pack.
- Colors: So in SFIV you had 10 colors you could unlock for your clothes. This time there are rumored to be 12 colors. The 11th(Inky look) and 12th(Hand-drawn look) colors have been confirmed as becoming available if you have a SFIV save file on your hard drive.
Super Street Fighter IV on sale free shipping and a $10 credit
So now that you know what's up, what are you waiting for?! Pre-order Super Street Fighter IV today, or win it for free right here on! Hurry, Dojo Edition pre-orders for the PS3 & 360 versions are already sold-out!
For any fan of Street Fighter, this game is a no-brainer. If you haven't picked up SFIV yet, then this is your perfect chance to get in on all the action. Practice up!
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Apr 27, 2010