The Las Vegas Sun has never heard of Street Fighter

By BatRastered — October 29, 2011
Tags: blog funny halloween picture

I saw this in my local paper's section on celebrity Halloween costumes. Huge sad face.

Most were celebrities I haven't heard of dressing up as sexy versions of disney cartoons, but then this caught my eye.

The Las Vegas Sun has never heard of Street Fighter

If you can't read it, the caption reads:

"Electro pop duo LMFAO arrived as The Hulk and what appears to be a sushi chef at Veuve Clicquot’s Yelloween at Lavo in the Palazzo."

Really? The hulk and a sushi chef? Sushi chefs wear karate gis now? SMH.

Here's the source, so you know I'm not making this up...

Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition

Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Gouki Box Art

95 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Jun 28, 2011

Buy it! 95% - Rent it! 5% - Flush it! 0%

Afro Sushi Chef is God tier. Nerf now.

Phresh rated Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Buy it
Nov 1, 2011 by Phresh



BatRastered rated Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Buy it
Nov 2, 2011 by BatRastered


I hear that they have some lovely two bedroom rocks out there in the desert. Not that it's any worse than living on this island. lol

dragonkiss83 rated Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Buy it
Nov 8, 2011 by dragonkiss83



kof2012 has not rated Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition yet.
Dec 21, 2011 by kof2012

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