Community The Top 6 Most Powerful Characters In Street Fighter Canon
By starlordtitus —
January 29, 2013
The most powerful Street Fighter characters made appearances throughout many games. Coming down to the Top 6 was down right close. But behold, the most prestige fighters in all of Street Fighter.
6. Ryu
Ryu is perhaps the most famous character in the Street Fighter series. His humble beginnings to his uprising in ability to topple the giant champions of the world made him the fighter we all wished to be. The hero of Street Fighter and overall legend, he is known for usually snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.
5. Oro
Oro is a master of Senjutsu (Mystic Arts), a martial art practiced by the immortal mountain hermits of myths. He has full mastery of his chi giving him monstrous strength and stamina surpassing all other fighters in the world. He also has telekinesis, granting him the ability to pull in random objects for use for a limited timed. During the World Warrior 3 Tournament, during Second Impact, Oro defeated Ryu but then left in search for the young warrior, finding him to be a worthy successor of his fighting style and aided Ryu's training while remaining undetected.
4. Gill
Gill was the messiah of the mysterious cult-like organization, the Illuminati. When he was younger, the Illuminati genetically enhanced him, increasing his speed and power so that he could participate in an intense hand-to-hand fighting program, eventually even surpassing his jealous brother Urien. According to legend, the soul of the previous Illuminati Emperor would be reincarnated in a new body, thus the organization chose Gill at the age of 22 to lead them. He purposely resembles the look of a Greek god. In previous video game installments, Gill is much more powerful than every other character except Shin Akuma. He is fast, does heavy damage, does an extremely amount of stun and can string together very long combos. He also inflicts block damage with normal attacks which makes it very difficult to incorporate a good defense.
3. Gouken
Gouken is Ryu's and Ken's master as well as Dan's former master and Akuma's older brother. Gouken succeeded in defeating his younger brother Akuma twice in the past before nearly dying the 3rd time and being defeated by Akuma's Shun Goku Satsu (Raging Demon) technique. Other than possibly Ryu, Gouken is the only known fighter to actually defeat Akuma who's is depicted as the world's strongest fighter due to his demon power, the Satsui No Hado, dubbing Gouken to be one of the world's most powerful fighters ever to have have walked the earth. His fighting style is more defense based so as not to kill his opponent.
2. Akuma
Akuma and his brother Gouken were students of Goutetsu. Goutetsu taught a dangerous life-threatening martial art which incorporates elements of Karate, Judo and Kempo. He also taught the Shun Goku Satsu (literally Instant Hell Murder) a death technique which although incredibly powerful, puts the user in considerable danger. While Gouken took the path of righteousness and took this style and made it more defensive, Akuma took this style and made it more offensive based, surpassing his own limits and succumbing to the Satsui No Hado (Surge Of Killing Intent) He even killed his own master with this technique and sought forth to become stronger and stronger. Akuma has killed Bison and executed the Shun Goku Satsu successfully on him as well as Gen, and Gill as well as Gouken. Akuma has 2 even more powerful forms. The first is Shin Akuma, which is him unleashing the full force of his power. Far faster and far stronger, in this state he surpasses even Gouken himself. This in turn makes Akuma the most powerful fighter ever. However, then comes his second form...
1. Oni
Oni is Akuma in his most powerful form. Having surpassed his Shin Akuma form. Due to his immense godlike power, this being has transformed to a higher plane of existence and thus has dubbed himself Oni. This ascended being is now considered a different being from Akuma and thus in gameplay is a different selectable character than Akuma. In this form, Oni has discarded all humanity and has allowed himself to be completely consumed by the Satsui No Hado. In other canon, it is said that with the combined force of the Satsui No Hado and the most powerful lightning bolt that hit during a thunderstorm, Akuma was able to harness both powers in order to become Oni, thus granting his electrical power and gaining the godlike status of the sky due to his power descending from the heavens.
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Release Date:
Jun 28, 2011