Community Video Games?

By iguapo — March 24, 2010
Tags: friends-list nintendo-entertainment-system project-natal xbox-360

Video Games...Why do you play?

Video games?...Or shall I pronounce it veedeeyo games, as my russian girlfriend  says in her cute accent that seems to not be so cute when she's yelling at me to stop playing my games. You see, Many people think that video games involves sitting mindless in front of a tv/computer screen like a zombie mashing a bunch of buttons wasting our day away. But, to me and many of my friends, and millions of people around the world, its not just entertainment its a WAY OF LIFE.

You guys remember Coleco Vision,? How about the amazing Atari system that launched with a library of 6 games and cost $199!! The one that I fell in love with was the very first Nintendo system. Oh how I can remember the day when my father bought me mario bros, and later on Zelda, to what would turn out to be a lifelong love and appreciation for gaming. Then super nintendo, Genesis, ha ha even the horrible Sega Cd. Then N64, Gamecube and Sony and Microsoft's breakthrough Playstation 1, then 2. Of course XBOX!  Now we arrive to today's "Next Generation Gaming" Where were you the day that the XBOX 360 droppped? I myself spent the night at my local target that had only exactly 10 360's, and when I arrived I was exactly number 10. Some girl at the front of the line said that she was holding an extra spot for her boyfriend...Hell no bitch I told her that if he's not here right now then too bad! I then proceeded to set up my camp and guard my spot like a madman daring anyone to take my spot, because I would not be denied. I did get my 360, and loved it. Today I now have an ELITE 360 and a PS3. Sadly my Wii was stolen! In seeing how much video games have evolved so quickly, and with things like PROJECT NATAL in the future, its exciting to see what the future holds.

Why do you play? To compete? Cause you're bored? For the challange? Today's gaming is not only a way to unveil many thoughtful storylines, as well as beautiful graphics and cinematics. But, gaming has become a way to bring people together with the amazing online community created. It has brought people together that normally would never have had anything else in the world  in common with each other, except their love of gaming. I met Jimmy[GoukiJones] at work and became friends with him through talking about gaming. I had the amazing honor to meet Kyle Desmond, AKA Kdigga...He was my first XBOX LIVE friend, and one of the greatest and most couragous people I have ever met. In any other circumstances we would have never met. But, because of gaming I had the opportunity to share many laughs, play as a team, talk sports, and most him my friend. You see guys? No matter what it's an even playing field, everyone who can play is equal, Kdigga wasn't a man in a wheelchair to me, He was a great friend that was the same as me and you...RIP bro, I miss you.

I have bad knees so sports are something that I can't do right now unfortunately, I get my competitive fix through gaming. Along the way I have met many great friends that share the same passion as me. Its not a mindless past time! And that's why I play...Why do you?


I play video games as a means of escape. When I feel the stress of a hard day and there's no productive way to unwind, I sit down in front of the TV and play games. Likewise, when I'm bored I also play games to escape my own boredom. Even now and then, when I'm feeling particularly irresponsible, I'll play games to forget temporarily about the fact that I have something else I should be doing.

Mar 24, 2010 by jalexbrown


You know my first system ever was a Coleco Vision. My dad bought me my NES too. Separated at birth yo!

Mar 25, 2010 by goukijones


I play so I can get new outfits for my avatars, I like to dress them up. The actual games suck. :P

Mar 25, 2010 by BatRastered


You play games Iguapo? then get the fuck online Pussy!!!! lol hop off that Warcraft and play with yor "friends" lol
true story on the article though good shit

Mar 26, 2010 by hoho23

Crimson Relic

I play video games because they are the ultimate form of media entertainment at this point and time. I began playing in 1984 at the age of 3 on the Atari 2600 and haven't stopped since. I've seen the industry and technology grow and I'm loving it. I suppose I play video games to escape and also to learn other views and see other visions, much as a book reader does. I have read many books, but they are laid out plain, there is no change to them. Books progressed into films, and while I still love films, it is a story you cannot interact with. That is what makes games so special, that you can interact with the media and have it react. Now that online multiplayer is so widespread, it's worth is multiplied in bounds just being able to communicate and play against real, human opponents. As I've said, this interactive media we call video games is the ultimate form of escapism and entertainment media at this time. Plus it's just hella' fun. That's why I play.

Mar 29, 2010 by Crimson Relic


@Crimson_Relic: +1. Excellent post.

Mar 31, 2010 by jalexbrown


I swear to play WOW a lot less! Miss ya homies...

Apr 1, 2010 by iguapo


This story is tagged xbox 350 Jimmy!

May 4, 2010 by goukijones

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