Vlog #6 All day Pwnfest!

By goukijones — October 6, 2009
Tags: egm exclusive final-fantasy-xii halo-wars left-4-dead persona-4 resident-evil-5 street-fighter-iv the-goukicom-show the-last-remnant video vlog

The all day Pwnfest. Halo Wars, Resident Evil 5 and Street Fighter IV! Pwnn!

Im out of control drunk again! In the new Gouki.com show Im having an all day pwnfest playing Halo Wars and Resident Evil 5. I saw Dragonball Evolution and you get to see my immediate reaction. I also talk about Wolverine. Dont miss this exciting new Vlog! Jimmy!

Street Fighter IV

Street Fighter IV box art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

7 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Feb 17, 2009

Buy it! 77% - Rent it! 15% - Flush it! 8%

LMAO dude where the hell have I been this is freaking hilarious. Im hooked man keep these things rolling!

Rhyme has not rated Street Fighter IV yet.
Oct 20, 2009 by Rhyme


That Halo Wars is a classic. I played it again this summer and logged like 140 hours.

goukijones rated Street Fighter IV Rent it
Oct 19, 2010 by goukijones


Just a little pissed at the game? I know the feeling.

Jimmy was for James His real name, and now I'll take off the geek hat.

Street Fighter 4, the Addiction begins.

DragonKiss83 rated Street Fighter IV Rent it
Feb 28, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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