Community Official Member Wallpapers by MilkyPink

By MilkyPink — March 9, 2011
Tags: darkstalkers final-fantasy king-of-fighters member-submitted resident-evil-2

I know I was 2 weeks off since my last blog post...

But I've been awfully busy with my life outside the internet with this job I have, they are purposely not letting me HAVE A LIFE anymore. &&  I am awfully sad about it. Kinda miss the almost free life I once had. lol. I am actually in the process of looking for a better job with better hours. Trying to find a job out there is not easy, especially when those that know you already have a job are not accepting you. -______-


But either way, as soon as I get my life back in place (especially with that job.. and find a better one -_-), I should be back on here a bit more often. But for now, those that requested those wallpapers. Here they are and I am terribly sorry for making you wait...
Click here:





P.S: GOUKIJONES. Thank yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou! For the package! I got the game and it's great. :)! I love the stickers too! I am trying to find a place to put them. lol



No really, thank you so much! This is sweet!

Mar 9, 2011 by iorilamia


Hurray! Where is the new collage wallpaper? 1680X1050

Mar 9, 2011 by goukijones


@goukijones Who did you want on the collage wallpaper?

Mar 9, 2011 by MilkyPink


I love em! I think the user names are too small, but other than that great work..

Glad you got your game and everything. We should play sometime ^.^

Mar 9, 2011 by Cinderkin


If your reading this Fnjimmy, WE SHOULD PLAY SOMETIME x,x

@pink- you should put the sticker like, in an arcade ;D

Mar 9, 2011 by iorilamia


@Cinder I made the names small for a reason. So they won't be stolen. It's called "tagging".
@iori I would by I don't have anymore arcades in my area. :( And I am not bent on travel 2-3 hours to another city for another arcade.. ;_____;

Mar 9, 2011 by MilkyPink


but* instead of by. -__- Me and my typos BLAH!

Mar 9, 2011 by MilkyPink


Thanks for all the drawings and stuff. Now we gotta play some MvC3 sometime.

In the collage: Little bit of everything, Gouki, Jimmy Mascot, Bison, Cammy, Cliffy B, Wario, the Real Jimmy, and whatever you else you wanna jam in there. Go crazy!

Mar 9, 2011 by goukijones


@iorilamia have you friended Jimmy on the PS3?

Mar 9, 2011 by goukijones


@goukijones. OOOOOOH! That's gonna be one hell of a party collage wallpaper. I can DEFINITELY DO THAT! :D

Mar 9, 2011 by MilkyPink


And as for MVC3 just send me an invite to a game and I will accept so we can play. Thanks to you guys, I'm addicted to the game. xD Which is one hell of a good thing! 6 MORE DAYS UNTIL THE CHARACTER DLC: JILL AND SHUUUUMA! 8D

Mar 9, 2011 by MilkyPink


@gouki- a long time ago.

Mar 9, 2011 by iorilamia

grey walrus

Great job Milky

Mar 9, 2011 by grey walrus


cool collage

Mar 9, 2011 by kof2012


Great job on the wall papers, thanks again. Good luck on the job search.

Mar 9, 2011 by DragonKiss83


GOD i love u so much milky (virtual hug) ^_^

Mar 9, 2011 by blazemanx


Haha. You're welcome everyone! :)

Mar 9, 2011 by MilkyPink


Beast work kid. Great job!

Mar 9, 2011 by reipuerto


Thank you reipuerto. :)

Mar 9, 2011 by MilkyPink


Great job Pinky. Keep on doing your thing girl.

Mar 10, 2011 by LegendaryLonewolf


Looks good pink

Mar 10, 2011 by erikestrada


How come you didn't make me one :(

And don't say it's because I didn't ask.... your supposed to read my mind and just know :(

Mar 10, 2011 by Cinderkin


I'm not Jean Grey or Professor X >___> @ Cinderkin

Mar 10, 2011 by MilkyPink


And please call me Milky people. @__@ I prefer that nickname.

Mar 10, 2011 by MilkyPink


@ Milky

You seemed like a physic in DoA with all them counters ;) So I just assumed lol.

When are we going to play, your always working now :( I never see you on.

I need to see those Marvel skills, and get my redemption in DoA.

Mar 11, 2011 by Cinderkin


I get on like mostly late now. :( I hate my job.

Mar 11, 2011 by MilkyPink

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