Community What's up with the Silent Hill series?

By Legend_Flare — February 3, 2011
Tags: blog horror silent-hill

Was just thinking how frustrating Silent Hill has become. Blogged it!

(I may release some spoilers for SH4 so just warning you)

So tell me why I loved Silent Hill 4 and party much everyone else except for my sister, Stew, and Knife kid hates it.

I have Silent Hill: Homecoming which is like supposed to be SH5 but the combat system is garbage and the monsters are just as annoying and repetitive to take down... I think they should have left it the way it was. They change the system because they say technology is getting better or whatever.. Well this is what I experience when fighting any monster on Silent Hill: Homecoming. (Monster creeps down from ceiling) Me: OMG! Ah creepy monster limping towards me! (Monster makes it up to me and I have to hit the dodge button about 13 times as monster blocks every other hit and recoils in knocking me to the ground, constantly having to get back up) Me: ......-.- boring combat

So either I suck or they should not have overestimated themselves while making this game.. I also find the plot line very uninteresting, as where Henry Townshend on SH4 was holed up in his apartment where new creepy shit pops up in places you would never expect (except for the TV going on and off by itself lol) but seriously?! Babies coming out of your living room wall!? A head falling outside your window and then raising slowly back up to the roof? A slutty bitch you meet at the subway station ending up in a bath full of blood in you're bathroom?! A burning chocolate milk bottle on your kitchen counter!? Dead cat in your fridge!? Yourself covered in blood looking right back at you through the peephole of your front door!? Who knows how long he, or rather you had been standing there!... Not to mention the shoes that walk themselves WTF now that is creepy.

I have always liked psychological horrors and Silent Hill had that as a spectral point and to me it seems to be less of that and more of just fighting and dodging random monsters on Silent Hill: Homecoming.

This Story may be biased but it is just what I experienced :P


Hey thanks for posting and welcome to

I've never been much of a SH fan, so I can't give a real good take on any of this.

Feb 3, 2011 by goukijones


You might like American McGee's Alice game for PC i your into psychological horrors. Also they are in the works of a sequel.

Feb 3, 2011 by iorilamia


What is up Flare?! It's been a long time. How have you been? Glad you could be apart of 3D4L!

Feb 3, 2011 by Cinderkin


silent hill is fucking badass

Feb 3, 2011 by kof2012


There's a Silent Hill movie too.

Feb 4, 2011 by shenwoopunch


Thanks man, this is a cool site and I have had a lot of positive responses from joining.

Sweet I'll have to check that out for sures town XD

Hey Cinder! Yes it has, we gotta chill soon. I watched that youtube clip of Tony Baluzi and then Goku on SC4 Hadukening the samurai guy haha.. 3D4L :)

Fuck yea it is haha

Yea I saw it the first time with Cinder and a few other peeps. Since then I have seen it like 4 or 5 times. There's supposed to be a sequel soon or so says wikipedia

Feb 4, 2011 by Legend_Flare


silent hill personally sucks to me

Feb 7, 2011 by SonicZero



To each his/her own good sir/mam :)

Feb 11, 2011 by Legend_Flare


The movie was probably better than the games were. I just never thought they got the games right, but the did put in some weird ass stories.

Feb 28, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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