Xbox LIVE 12 month Gold subscription card on sale lowest price

By goukijones — September 1, 2010
Tags: deals-jimmy price-cut price-drop

Don't pay full price for Xbox Live Jimmy. Updated 11/14/2010. New lower prices!

The price of Xbox LIVE Gold membership as of November 1, 2010. $59.99.

Save money right now. The sites below could save you $20 or more on your membership. The prices go up and down all of the time, so bookmark this page.

Rule #1: Turn off your Xbox Live Auto-renew.

Rule #2: Xbox LIVE cards will stack on top of each other and you can add on time whenever you like.

Rule #3: Get Xbox Live on sale and with free shipping to save big money.

xbox live 12 month gold card

Xbox LIVE is best known for allowing you to play games online with your friends. Like Bulletstorm and Marvel VS Capcom 3.

In 2010, Xbox LIVE is added new Gold features, including ESPN 3 and Video Kinect, with Hulu Plus coming on Xbox LIVE in 2011. All stuff real hard core gamers don't need. I just want to play Halo Wars with my Xbox, not watch Around the Horn again. Kinect is lol. So if you're like me and like to save money on your video games, I have a couple of different options for you to save on your Xbox LIVE 12 month Gold subscription card.

Xbox LIVE 12 month Gold subscription card. Don't be a Jimmy. MSRP $59.99 as low as $39.99 with free shipping as low as $39.99 with free shipping.

Other ways to get Xbox Live cheap.

Xbox 360 Live 12 Month Messenger Gold Pack $69.99 Includes: Xbox LIVE 12 Month Gold Subscription Card, Xbox 360 chatpad for fast texting and Xbox 360 wired headset, Xbox 360 game PGR 4. Third party as cheap as $59.95!

*These prices fluctuate constantly. If you look hard enough and/or be patient and wait for the right time - especially if your gold account doesn't expire soon. You can find some really good deals on Xbox LIVE and save some money. $42.99 plus $1.99 shipping.

Microsoft XBOX Live 12 Month Card w/Project Gotham Racing 4 $54.99 plus $4.99 shipping. Includes: 12-Month Gold Subscription lets you play online games with friends, chatpad attaches to the Xbox 360 controller for easy texting, wired headset lets you voice chat while you play, get racing with the Xbox 360 hit PGR 4. 3 month card for $19.99.

No excuses. Don't pay full price for Xbox LIVE. Start saving money today.

Spot a good Xbox LIVE deal and post it in the comments below. If you see Xbox LIVE ever for less than $30 bucks. Get 2! One for you and for me. Jimmy! 

Check for future updates on this page when the price drops.

[UPDATED] Jan 17, 2011 10:13:25 AM

Jan 17, 2011 by goukijones

Xbox live 12 month subs are on sale today @ for $39.99 - That's the lowest I've seen it since the price increase.


[UPDATED] Feb 1, 2011 12:49:21 AM

Feb 1, 2011 by goukijones

Xbox Live subs are really low right now. $39.99 on and $44.99 on Free shipping and don't forget they stack onto whatever your current subscription is. Turn off auto-renew.


[UPDATED] Mar 4, 2011 6:35:30 AM

Mar 4, 2011 by goukijones

Xbox 360 12 Month Live Gold Card Today is $40!


[UPDATED] Nov 28, 2011 10:38:44 AM

Nov 28, 2011 by goukijones

Xbox LIVE 12 Month Gold Membership for only $45


[UPDATED] Jan 28, 2012 12:28:28 PM

Jan 28, 2012 by BatRastered

Xbox live 12 month gold card or online code both on sale for $35.99 at Amazon today!

Don't miss out, Jimmy! Even if your subscription doesn't expire for a while, you can put in the code and it will just add 12 months to your expiration date. 


Thanks for the heads up Jimmy!

Sep 9, 2010 by Cinderkin


I'm set through March 2012!

Oct 14, 2010 by BatRastered


That's not so bad. Sweet deal.

Oct 16, 2010 by pwny


Good deals.

Oct 24, 2010 by fnjimmy


I just updated this story. Xbox Live is cheap from right now. Please share and tell your friends. Thanks.

Nov 14, 2010 by goukijones


I dont have XBL.. at least not yet. This look like a good deal. old?

Dec 6, 2010 by InfestedOreo


i love how on amazon u can buy used cards lol

Jan 18, 2011 by sheepsmuggler



Jan 22, 2011 by kof2012


I updated this page yesterday and the prices have changed already. has gone back up to $51! Amazon had it at $40 for like an hour this morning. Gotta save that money. Saving $20 bucks on live is $20 bucks closer to your next game.

Feb 1, 2011 by goukijones


My account is due up in March, I'll definitely be on the look out for these deals once I get some more money.

Feb 11, 2011 by Alventh


This is true, real and Owokd to what was stated above by Mr / goukijones

Apr 25, 2011 by kzar67


yes only yey

May 3, 2011 by kzar67


I got baneed cuz i some douche reported me about my quote even though its been there since the release of gears 1. :\

Feb 22, 2012 by cybuster89

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