Community You ready to know what the Golden Key does in Borderlands 2?
By dragonkiss83 —
September 12, 2012
In the premiere club (pre-order) you get a golden key and now we know what it's for.
So, you’ve got a Golden Key. Maybe you pre-ordered Borderlands 2 from a Premiere Club retailer or maybe you were lucky enough to snag a code from a Gearbox event or giveaway -- there are a variety of ways to get a Golden Key, and somehow you nabbed one. “But how, O handsome Gearbox developers,” you ask, “does the Golden Key work? Exactly? Also you are very handsome.” Firstly, thank you for the compliment. Secondly, the Golden Key is a rare item that unlocks a special Golden Chest in the friendly city of Sanctuary. Here’s what that Golden Chest looks like:

So, you’ve got a Golden Key in your profile and you start up the game. What happens next? Firstly, you’ll have to get to the city of Sanctuary. This should take you about three hours (two hours to play through the missions leading up to Sanctuary, and one hour for physical recovery after you injure yourself laughing at the impeccably written dialog). Then, you’ve got a decision to make. See, the loot inside the Golden Chest is always of “very rare” (purple) quality and scaled to your character’s level at the moment you open the chest. If you’ve only got one Key, you need to consider: do I want some high-quality loot right now, or do I want to wait until I’m closer to the (considerably more difficult) end of the game? Do I want my Level 21 Maya to open the chest, or should I switch to my Level 33 Axton? Keep in mind that you cannot trade or sell Golden Keys, and once you’ve used a Key to open the Golden Chest, that Key is gone for good. So, you know. Choose carefully. Whatever your decision, the loot you get from the Golden Chest is like any other piece of loot in the game – you can trade it, stash it, or sell it at your own discretion!
And knowing is half the battle... and for you younger jimmys google the reference.
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Sep 18, 2012
Original source.