Community KOF13 changes in the Evo build for "re-balanced" home version.

By iorilamia — August 1, 2011
Tags: evo-2011 king-of-fighters-13 kof13 news re-balance

Kof 13 has gone through many changes since the arcade version, have a look at possible home "re-balances"

KoF XII poster

Kof13 original arcade version was extremely broken. After a couple of patches the game seemed alright (except for Raiden dropkicks...). With all the hype around the console release, it was said that the game will have re-balancing. Fortunately at Evo, a new KOF build was there which has alot of changes from the arcade. Most noteworthy is Raiden's dropkicks got nerfed but K"(possibly the best character in the game) got a buff.....Anyways, check out Kane317's notes and see what has changed :D


Neomax in HD costs 2 stocks but 3 stocks outside of HD.
-Liz’s midscreen, 1 stock no drive 511 damage combo now deals 391
-Shen’s gotten a slight damage decrease, I couldn’t quite figure out where but Kunio’s 799 (1 stock HD combo) now does 777
-Duo Lon’s Ex f.AC now has more hit stun (or better recovery for DL) so that he can do s.C or s.D (before it was a near 1 frame that allowed only for d.A, and if you’re close enough you can link that to s.C).
-Duo Lon’s NM has finally been normalized and now does 448 instead of his silly 400 he used to do. (Most characters are 450-500 in the arcade version).
-Maxima’s air vapor cannon now holds him in place for both version and then after he’s done he either goes forward or drops down (I forget), but not backwards.
-Maxima’s damage has been decreased slightly.
-Goro’s dp+K, [DC] hcf P seems to only work in the corner now (WHY?). His NM has been buffed to 571, yup!
-Kyo’s hcb+K is no longer safe, is also does not build much drive or meter if it connects. It seems only useful for combos from now on.
-Kyo has his air Ex Orochinagi
-All characters that we tested all had aerial Ex DMs like Mai.
-Kyo can do d.B, d.A, df.D [1hit], qcf+K midscreen now.
-Overall, hit hitboxes have been adjusted and it’s harder to cross characters up now. It was noticable as we couldn’t get K”s j.B or j.D to crossup.
-K”s hop no longer goes over a standing opponent.
-K”s second shell (qcf+P.f+B) now juggles opponent higher and when preceded by an Ex qcf+P, allows the second shell to hit twice, and hence combo into his qcf x2+P DM like in the RS trailer.
-Shen’s fully charged qcf+P now only removes 50% of the guard gauge.
-Mai has been buffed overall. Her air.d+B has faster recovery making it kinda safe, her air.qcb+P is also safer.
-Mai’s air DM now falls “natually” as she travels across the screen a la ’95 Mai’s hidden air DM.
-Mai’s air Ex DM also MaxCancels into NM.
-Mai’s Ex Ryuenbu has startup invincibility.
-Mai’s A Ryuenbu has a larger vertical hitbox acting like an anti air (assumingly it’s like her beta version).
-Terry has a d.A, d.C link which helps his hit confirmation a lot. Gave us an instant Fatal Fury “feel” to it.
-Takuma’s stun combo juggles are much harder to perform and the timing is real tight.
-Joe’s NM comes out FAST. Can pretty much punish air attacks on reaction.
-Joe’s NM when MC’d, will wait for the opponent to drop from the Screw Upper, automatically releasing it for you. It’s a damaging MC.
-Joe’s Ex DM travels across the screen now.
-Joe’s D Tiger Knee now has startup invincibility somewhat similar to XII but not as extreme. B version is faster but has no invincibility.
-Liz’s Ex DM now does no pushback on blocked opponents
-Liz’s Ex counter only allows followups with specials, not normals.
-Liz still can do the reset DM midscreen still (personally tested).
-Beni’s Ex Raijinken now holds the opponent in position allowing you to follow up. I believe CMD.Duc did (corner), Ex Raijinken (qcf+AC), A Raijinken, dp+K. Overall CDM.Duc says he’s been buffed.
-Ash’s Ex qcb+P now juggles even grounded opponents.
-Ryo’s dp+A seems faster, his parries are faster, and his Ex hcb+K seems faster.
-Andy’s d.D is slower now and no longer as abusable, it still can hit anti-air but seems to trade more now.
-Andy’s Zaneiken is safe on block now, but he’s also pushed back really far himself.
-Andy’s Ex hcf+K, d.D is harder to connect now mid screen.
-Raiden’s dropkicks have finally has its charge time increased. Despite initials reports, 1.1 did not change his charge time from 1.0. Personally, I must have charged ove 20+ seconds and I could not get level 3 to come out. If you land the DK midscreen, the opponent will fly away really far not allowing a follow up. His double DK shenanigans still work in the corner.
-King and Hwa Jai’s slide both cancel now by themselves.
-King’s NM has been fixed, it now goes further and when MC’d does full damage.
-Mature’s qcb+K has better recovery
-Ralf’s Vulcan Punch now knocks the opponent away after two hits.
-Clark, sadly, seems unchanged.
-Leona’s HD combos have been nerfed slightly.
-Kula’s corner juggles seem harder to connect..


Any of these characters you feel shouldn't have gotten nerfed/buffed? Leave your thoughts in a comment.



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The game is looking like I might have to rent it just to check it out.

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