Time Stamped! Dishonored Creative Kills video

By goukijones — August 10, 2012
Tags: video

New gameplay video for Dishonored. GoukiJones breaks down everything you really need to see. Also he kinda guys super fanboy for this game.

0:27 Actually starts.

1:09 WTF just happened?

1:15 Putting the traps on the rats. Rats and traps. So the rats are already more useful than the bees.

1:24 So just showing off the same move here. Look at the heads exploding, specifically in this frame.

1:55 Just dying? Ok. Still cool to see those guys react to the rat storm. Plus doing something like this looks like a great way to escape.

2:20 Shooting yourself? Don't be a Jimmy!

2:45 This is dope. I can't wait for this game. Everything I'm seeing, I'm dying to try. The levels look great and the combat is looking better and better.

2:50 "Take out the legs!"

3:07 Aw shit, throwing objects, teleporting, grabbing the object ain mid-air and then throwing it again. Amazing.

3:45 Rewire tool. New shit! I have not seen this before in any demo.

4:08 Actual end.

Yeah I'm excited. You can't tell me if you like Bioshock, that this game doesn't look interesting. At least combat wise. The graphics don't seem to be on par and I don't know too much about the story. Nor do I care. But anyway, the kill set ups and gameplay look really exciting in this game. Can't wait to play it. 

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Dishonored Gouki Box Art

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Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Oct 9, 2012

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