FF14 stuck at 94.6% Sqaure Enix doesn't know what time it is

By goukijones — September 5, 2010
Tags: beta news update

Tonight Gouki.com editor GoukiJones was supposed to be pwnn some Final Fantasy XIV. Not writing a story about how Square Enix doesn't even have the right time of day on their news page.

Have few drinks, play a few games of Halo Wars and jump on the Final Fantasy for a few hours. Until your knees are so sore that you pass out from the pain six or seven hours later. That was the plan tonight. Just like the last three nights. But here I am writing this story because I don't know what the hell is going on with the FF14 right now. 

Some of the Square Enix forums that are managed by users and you have to be logged in and accepted in that group to even read. Are saying things like you have to download files off of another website. Red and blue and bittorrents and megauplaod. WTF is this? Why doesn't Square Enix have a fix for us. That's when I came across this piece of news from their website.

The Square Enix official news site about the FF14 reads the wrong day. It's only September 5, 2010. 

So apparently the servers are down now for emergency maintenance. This has also been going on since early AM. Allegedly.

Don't download no blue or red files off of megaupload. Wtf is a blue and red file? 

My big issue here is the Square Enix website. Can we get the date and time right? This is exactly what I was talking about in my other story about the beta. The Square Enix website is BASS ACWARDS. They have the date of Japan and the hours of the Westcoast United States. I don't actually know when any of that news is posted or when the updates are going to take place. It's impossible to get any serious or real help and I'm going to be paying for a monthly service?

Also I go to the Beta site and log in. It redirects me to the regular Square Enix page with your profile and all that stuff. From there I don't know where to go. I close the page and click the direct link back to the beta site and boom redirected the regular page. Am I nubfarm? Is anybody else completely annoyed by this? Please tell that this game hasn't been rushed out before Blizzard can announce the next WOW at Blizzcon. That would be ridiculous.

Fuck it. Now what? All units?

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