
Tags: summer-of-arcade supergiant-games xbla


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Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Jul 20, 2011

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Bastion is an Action RPG for Xbox Live Arcade coming out in Summer 2011 and PC later this year. It is the first game from independent developer Supergiant Games and has received several accolades following its debut at PAX Prime in 2010, including two nominations in the prestigious 2011 Independent Games Festival in the categories of Excellence in Visual Art and Excellence in Audio.

In Bastion, players take control of a character known as the Kid, who is thrust into a world that has literally crumbled around him in a great Calamity. He must now construct a safe haven and build a new world from the remnants of the past. The game features lush and imaginative artwork as well as an innovative reactive narration system that responds to the player’s actions in real time all throughout the adventure. Bastion includes more than 30 areas to explore set in several wildly different environments, a variety of weapons and upgrades to discover, and a deep storyline to unravel.

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