2 Mass Effect Movies Announced to Officially END Series
By goukijones —
April 1, 2012
The latest scoop and rumors on the 2 Mass Effect Movies suddenly announced. One has already begun production. The other could be the most expensive 3D movie ever made.
The first Mass Effect movie is rumored to star Clive Owen as Commander Shepard.
This version will be rated R and directed more to the average gamer. The story takes place right after the end of Mass Effect 3 and will have a lot of focus on action.
EA says: "This is because the end of Mass Effect 3 didn't actually mean anything. There will be a huge space battle at the end of this movie."
This Renegade Commander Shepard will be a soldier and only fight with guns. The back story is that this Shepard was full on Renegade and that everyone he crossed paths with that he could piss off or kill, he did. Filming is to start 1 year from today and the release date has not been revealed.
The second Mass Effect movie will star Lucy Lawless as a Paragon Commander Shepard.
This version is rated PG-13 and will be more for you Twilight Jimmys. Dubbed "The Paragon Version" immediately went into production after the Hunger Games made like $150 million the first weekend. Expect to see a lot of story and more emphasis on how difficult it is to make some decisions while in space.
EA says: "Expect this Shepard to be a 'Galaxy Gal' that everyone admires. A real role model for young girls."
This Shepard will be an Engineer, specializing in tech gadgets and computers. Rumor: she even flies the Normandy at one point. The deal with this version is that it's going to be the exact opposite of the "Men's" version. So this Shepard is going to have all the support in the galaxy. There's potential to see Wrex and some of the other characters that will be dead in the Renegade version.
Other Casting news:
- Seth Green has already signed on to play Joker in Both movies.
- The Chick who plays Whitney on NBC will play Miranda in the Paragon Version.
- Michael Clarke Duncan & Ving Rhames will both play Krogan's in the Renegade version.
- Justin Bieber will be Kadien Alenko in the Paragon version.
That's all the info I could find today. As of right now, if you could watch either one, which would it be? Don't be a Jimmy! Leave a comment. Vote and share. Thanks.
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Mar 6, 2012
Original source.