A Few Japanese Notes About Some Characters In MvC3
By Cinderkin —
December 13, 2010
Wanna know why Human Torch didn't make the cut, or why Shuma Gorath is DLC? Find out here. Check out the Notes from the Japanese Q&A.
• The Thing was considered at one point, but they felt he would be too similar to Hulk.
• Human Torch was a completed character, but he ate up too much RAM and had to be taken out.
• Marvel suggested Super-Skrull as a Human Torch replacement.
• To balance the roster out, Niitsuma wanted to include a young Marvel female, and ultimately X-23 was decided on.
• Niitsuma intentionally held off Spider-Man's announcement until the Tokyo Game Show because he is a popular character in Japan.
• Marvel was reluctant to grant permission to include Shuma-Gorath, but Capcom convinced them that he is popular and an important part of the series history.
• Shuma-Gorath was the first Marvel character that Capcom proposed to Marvel — and he may have originally been planned as an on-disc character.
• Felicia has yet to appear in an official English language gameplay video because of the ESRB.
Some of these are the lamest things I've ever read. What are your thoughts?
Tell us what you think in the comments.
Source: http://blog.movie.nifty.com/herojungle/2010/12/post-cc69.html
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Feb 15, 2011