Community A Gamer's Greatest Moments

By starlordtitus — May 20, 2011
Tags: blog super-street-fighter-iv-arcade-edition video

We've all been there. A moment in our video gaming careers that has transcended time to this date. A memory where either you accomplished the impossible, defeated the undefeated cocky player, broke a record or came back from the most hopeless situation.

In this video, it shows two great players playing Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition. What I personally like about this video, is the fact it displays the timeless story of how no matter how bleak a moment, how low your health could possibly be, that even with the seeming idea of all hope being lost, one only needs the will to win. 

Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition

Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Gouki Box Art

95 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Jun 28, 2011

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That's a good one, thanks for posting.

This is why I love and play video games. That and the Japanese guy in the background going bananas.

goukijones rated Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Buy it
May 20, 2011 by goukijones


Exactly. They hype just makes all the more worth it.

starlordtitus rated Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Buy it
May 20, 2011 by starlordtitus


@goukijones- Yea that's Kokujin. I think he shoots caffeine into his veins before he commentates at events.

Great video btw :)

iorilamia has not rated Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition yet.
May 20, 2011 by iorilamia


Excited shouting always sounds better in Japanese.

BatRastered rated Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Buy it
May 20, 2011 by BatRastered


That is what I call a Reverse PERFECT! The Japanese players have a different mindset than we do in America. Because we will give up a round to save meter, they will fight until there is nothing left. Japan's videos are always entertaining.

Thanks for sharing ^.^

Cinderkin has not rated Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition yet.
May 20, 2011 by Cinderkin


Thanks guys.

starlordtitus rated Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Buy it
May 20, 2011 by starlordtitus

grey walrus

@Cinderkin. I agree with you that America and Japan play differently in that way, but in this particular video it wouldn't have mattered anyway. It came down to the last round of the match.

Still an awesome video though.

grey walrus has not rated Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition yet.
May 20, 2011 by grey walrus


In a moment like that you get so hyped up when you are the one coming back and so pissed when you are the one watching the win slip away. Nice find.

Thanks for sharing, but be ready for Reipuerto's wrath for Yun getting beatdown.

DragonKiss83 has not rated Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition yet.
May 20, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Hahaha I hear that.

starlordtitus rated Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Buy it
May 21, 2011 by starlordtitus


nice story

kof2012 has not rated Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition yet.
May 25, 2011 by kof2012


Thank you Kof2012.

starlordtitus rated Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Buy it
Jun 4, 2011 by starlordtitus


Dope, serious comeback by Makoto. Fighting games like street fighter are the shit.

fnjimmy has not rated Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition yet.
Jun 6, 2011 by fnjimmy


I couldn't agree more.

starlordtitus rated Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Buy it
Jul 19, 2011 by starlordtitus

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