Community A little old school railing!!

By Zero2990 — September 27, 2012
Tags: blog haloreach xbox-360

Bringing back the old PWNER team!

So while most of you are stuck in Pandora (and yes I was supposed to be too but Amazon are out of stock) I've been playing and railing Halo Reach. Although its fun to play alone its boring with no one to talk to, so.. I wanna bring back the old Team USUK!! Most of you I haven't played with since the old Halo 2 days and some I stopped playing with on FFXI for various reasons.. (/disband) so if anyone's down for a night of Reach or Halo 3 then add me online, lets face it, you're gonna win with me!! drop me an invite before Halo 4 comes. Peace!!!

Halo Reach

Halo Reach Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

80 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Sep 14, 2010

Buy it! 85% - Rent it! 12% - Flush it! 3%

Oh man, the Warbear disband is 1 of my greatest gaming memories.

I don't know about the Reach right now, but I will definitely be on the Reach 2. I mean Halo 4. Whatever it is. I went 18-3 at PAX.

goukijones rated Halo Reach Rent it
Sep 27, 2012 by goukijones


That's got me thinking of my greatest gaming memory, so many with team USUK, all those Digga-nades, arguments with WarBear 'I'm taking the sniper!!' Fucking up Vana'Diels economy on the FFXi beta. I think that makes for a good story..

On a plus note Amazon say they will have more BL2 this week.

Zero2990 rated Halo Reach Buy it
Sep 27, 2012 by Zero2990


YEAH BOI!!!!! I'll be around for the halo 4. Someone has to carry goukis negative. Pwntober coming soon!.

erikestrada rated Halo Reach Buy it
Sep 27, 2012 by erikestrada


I'll be at the midnight opening for Halo 4, I'll pull an all nighter..

Zero2990 rated Halo Reach Buy it
Sep 27, 2012 by Zero2990

Gorilla WarBear

hey hey. i wanna be remembered for my halo skillz. but that disband was hilarious. still zeros fault lol. i will catch u on the reach sum time soon zero.
I got holidays booked off work for halo 4. def should see about getting old USUK squad together. its gonna be fun.

Gorilla WarBear has not rated Halo Reach yet.
Sep 27, 2012 by Gorilla WarBear


I'm still hooked on Borderlands 2 and with the new DLC coming out tomorrow I'm hoping it'll be renewed.

dragonkiss83 has not rated Halo Reach yet.
Oct 15, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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