A Sword Fighter’s Dream "Stray Blade"

By goukijones — April 20, 2023
Tags: preview stray-blade

You and your boy, Boji.

If you are looking for some hardcore sword fighting check out this game. The dodging and counter system takes concentration and practice. Overcoming the intricacies of each particular enemy in the game was a lot of fun. Stray Blade is definitely worth a playthrough. Of course you could use other weapons besides a sword. Once I obtained the spear I used that for most of my play time. I was so terrible at the combat. With the spear, I could keep enemies at a distance (most of the time) which allowed me to dodge their attacks. I was constantly faulty. I wasn’t ready for this gameplay style at the start, but after a while I really got into it. I played on controller on PC. Everything worked great. Stray Blade is out now on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, EPIC, and Steam!


This game looks like fun. Not my style, but it seems to teach you new timing skills.

Apr 20, 2023 by sugarninja

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