Actual Gameplay Footage of Destiny. PS4 [E3 2014 Preview]

By goukijones — June 11, 2014
Tags: beta e3-2014 preview

From what I can tell, Destiny is ....

Some sort of Multiplayer, Diablo-style mmo, Borderlandsesque game. Now of course I have no idea what I'm talking about. Most of this is speculation based on what I've seen from E3. PvE looks super boring & looks a lot like Borderlands, minus the cell shade. 30FPS 1080p. I'm having flashback of just shooting at the same brick wall in Borderlands 2 over & over. Because fighting stuff in Borderlands was just like shooting a wall for 2 hours, bullet sponges. Then you'd open a chest & it'd be 2 greens & a white. People who played Borderlands know what I'm talking about. Garbage!

I've been watching the Ninja steam all morning. I've seen him sell a ton of guns. I don't know how much loot is in the game during this Alpha, but aren't we out there for treasure? I haven't seen a ton of people running around in the world either. Granted, it's a an Alpha, but nobody is around. You can see some tags from E3, but those Jimmys are just standing still. The PvP I'm watching now is 6v6 & this looks like a lot of fun. The PvP is what I want to try. 

Here's a few vids of character creation & missions.



Destiny Gouki Box Art

15 Stories

Release Date: Sep 9, 2014

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