Airing Monday's on Mario Kart 8 w/ GoukiJones from 9AM-Noon PT

By goukijones — July 10, 2014
Tags: blog live-stream-highlights video

Man I got my stage selected like 8 times during these videos.

Every Monday starting last Monday I'm streaming Mario Kart 8. Come check me out, race w/ me or just hop in on the chat. Don't be a Jimmy! Thanks for watching. 2 more vids ->

Current Points 2015 - On the Wii-U friend me = Fnjimmyz

Mario Kart 8

Mario Kart 8 Gouki Box Art

27 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: May 30, 2014

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great vids you posted, goukijones. I could answer you some of the questions you asked me during the stream I didn't have a chance to type on the chat logs:
Vid 2:
20:49 I did not even think of going into the water during that race. I just maintained my drifting throughout the entire race.
21:40 That is currently my preferred Character/Vehicle set: Rosalina w/ Comet Bike, Slim Wheels, and Plane Glider.
Also, to clarify the question you asked on 24:35 about the gold wheel, you need to use the tilt controls for more than 50% of your most recent 100 races, and maintain that 50%.

Arthvader rated Mario Kart 8 Buy it
Jul 10, 2014 by Arthvader

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