Akuma/Gouki Revealed In Street Fighter V. Playable at PlayStation Experience

By goukijones — November 7, 2016
Tags: akuma gouki playstation-experience street-fighter-v video

Playable at PlayStation Experience December 3-4, 2016.

Finally... is this the version of Gouki we've been waiting for?  idk, it doesn't even show him.  It sounds good and there are a bunch of flashy lights, but it's just a teaser trailer.  Didn't Ono recently just tease the man was coming to SFV.  I just didn't think it was going to be this soon.  Is he going to be free DLC?

Check out the trailer and let me know what you think in the comments.

*No official trailer from the Capcom nuabs just yet. 

Street Fighter V

Street Fighter V Gouki Box Art

24 Stories

Release Date: Feb 16, 2016

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