Aperture Investment Opportunity #4: Boots

By BatRastered — April 12, 2011
Tags: portal-2 valve video

The final installment of Portal 2 videos before the launch. Check out the boots.

Over the last few weeks, we've gotten quite a few enticing reasons to pre-invest in Aperture Laboratories: from the planks of tomorrow, to test-optimized bots, to the last word in pre-emptive defense, the Home Safety Turret. Today marks Aperture's fourth and final Investment Opportunity video, and if it doesn't get you reaching for your special investment wallet, you wouldn't know a can't-miss opportunity if it was staring you in the face, yelling at you about boots.

Portal 2 releases next week. Do you have your pre-order ready?

Portal 2

Portal 2 Gouki Box Art

32 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Apr 19, 2011

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