Community Arthvader Previews: Street Fighter X Tekken
By Arthvader —
September 26, 2011
My preview for Street Fighter X Tekken. Here are my reasons why I think this game will rock.
With Street Fighter X Tekken getting better with new info being brought up, I could say that I'm getting all hyped up for this. Let's look at what has been revealed thus far.
I don't know what the story is about, but it seems to involve a mysterious meteor that has crashed landed in the Antarctic. Hidden within this meteorite is a strange, but mysterious box-shaped objet called "Pandora", which it is beyond human comprehension. It cannot be opened by any conventional means, but when it detects violent confrontations, it'll give off a strong response.
One good thing about this game is that it's going to feel similar to that of Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter IV. There will be new game mechanics added. Here's what they are:
- This game will have a fast-paced tag-team fighting system.
- By borrowing the concept of Tekken Tag Tournament, if one character of a team is KO'd, the round is then over. Also, unlike Tekken Tag Tournament, characters won't be recovering life while in the sidelines.
- A three-tier super meter. it'll cost 2 meters to use Supers while it'll cost 1 meter to do Tag Cancels and EX moves.
- Tag Cancels can be used to switch out characters while in a combo, or to get an injured fighter out of harms way. It can also be used while laying on the ground to avoid wake-up attacks and to tag a fresh player in.
- Cross Arts: a move that allows for both members of the team to pull off both their supers.
- Cross Assault: dubbed SfXT's "Centerpiece", This will allow both team members to be on screen at the same time, allowing for crazy custom combos.
Here's a video showing the mechanics in action:
including all what you see in the video, at TGS, the following modes and mechanics were added in this game:
- 2-on-2 dual battle: allows four players to participate in 2-on-2 battles.
- Scramble: a 2-on-2 battle mode in which all four characters are on the screen at the same time.
- Briefing Room: you can call this an online training mode, where you and a friend can practice moves and combos together, whether it's against each other, or as a team.
- Pandora: a new game mechanic in which it sacrifices your partner in battle for a short, but powerful boost. Players can activate Pandora when one of the characters on the team is below 25% health, and pressing "down, down, MP+MK". While in Pandora mode, the cross gauge will be filled to maximum capacity, allowing the player to use Supers and EX moves infinitely. There is a catch, however: if the player dosen't defeat the opponent within the time limit, that player will instantly lose the round. As Seth Killian would say it: "It's not a comback mechanic, but rather a unholy high-stakes gamble."
- Gem System: a new mechanic in which players game give their characters different attributes by setting up gems prior to the battle. So, let's say we have two ryu players. they might use the same character, but based on what gems they set up, you can have two totally different gameplay styles.
I kinda enjoyed some of the music that is currently heard through the trailers and gameplay footages so far. I recognized two of Heihachi's theme remixed in different levels, which I thought was cool. the Cross Arts theme is cool as well, depending on who does the Cross Art. Let's hope for some more good tracks to be added in.
The graphics look good for this game. It's going to use the same graphics engine used in both Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter IV. This gives Capcom a chance to give the Tekken characters to be re-imagined in SFIV's highly acclaimed art style, all while having their unique characteristics intact.
Aside from the characters, the stages in this game looks awesome as well. not only that, you'll have various cameo appearances of characters from both capcom and namco franchises in the background.
Final Verdict HYPED!!!!!
Before I go, here's some recorded footage from Capcom Unity during a live streaming event back in August:
Leave your comments in the bottom, and Don't be a Jimmy!!!! GET HYPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Check my other previews:
Release Date:
Mar 6, 2012