Battlefield 3 Announcement and is now available for Pre-order

By goukijones — February 4, 2011
Tags: battlefield-3 dice ea news video

Battlefield 3 is now available for pre-order through Amazon. Also check out the new teaser trailer.

Amazon just unlocked the Pre-order for Battlefield 3. Battlefield is my preferred earth shooter. You can expect Team Gouki to be all over this when it is release sometime in the future.

That box art is probably unofficial. There is no confirmed release date. Amazon just appears to just have a filler date. Battlefield could come out this year. If there is no COD, it would be good for Battlefield to compete with Gears this holiday season.

Check out the teaser trailer.

Battlefield 3 - Teaser Trailer - Holy Shit!

Battlefield 3

Battlefield 3 Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Oct 25, 2011

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