Best DLC of 2010 Jimmy Gems Nominees

By BatRastered — December 13, 2010
Tags: blog jimmy-gems nominees

What's the best DLC of 2010? See our nominees here and voice your opinion in the comments.

Borderlands - The Secret Armory of General Knoxx

Nothing mad me laugh harder than this add on this year. Quality humor, plus raising the level cap by 11 and giving us new weapons and shields to play with? Sign me up.

Red Dead Redemption - The Undead Nightmare

John Marston is back (from the dead?) that alone should be enough for this. New weapons and, of course, Zombears make this an exciting new addition. Let's not forget that Rockstar gave us some free DLC for this earlier too.

Halo Reach - Noble Map Pack

Okay, multiplayer map packs aren't super exciting, especially when there's only 3 of them for 10 bucks, but these are really good maps and that counts for something.

Winners will be announced December 29th. Did we leave anything out? What's your favorite? Leave a comment below!


Borderlands Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

37 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Oct 20, 2009

Buy it! 82% - Rent it! 18% - Flush it! 0%

Red Dead Redemption should win it. The UN experience is worth alot more than $10,it's amazing how much they gave us for that price. A new story mode, short but its a story, with cutscenes and new gameplay, and altered animals...UNICORNS!!!! also those who had previous dlc , the weapons carried on into UN found in towns. Also 2 brand new game modes,undead overun and land grab. Overrun is just too amazing with a group of friends who all have mics, and I'm still not bored of it. Land Grab was more fun than alot of people though. You capture a small area in a town and people fight for king of the hill. but what this basically is, is the power to summon pvp without having to go in a organized DM or TDM.

and the lulz it brought

"I'm just going to walk down this very dark and abandoned alley" *gets zombie raped*


iorilamia rated Borderlands Rent it
Dec 13, 2010 by iorilamia


Red Dead right here!

Also note that SSF4 Costume packs should be on this list. I don't care what anyone says. The newest packs are straight from the Jersey Shore.

Cinderkin rated Borderlands Rent it
Dec 13, 2010 by Cinderkin


@cinderkin Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnuab. It did make a Jimmy Gems category.

Best DLC - Wow this is tough. I'm playing though the Undead Nightmare now. The Borderlands DLC is really great too. Halo Reach maps, maps are always welcome.

goukijones rated Borderlands Buy it
Dec 13, 2010 by goukijones


Didn't play the REDDEAD, I'll have to go borderlands

ThaBrad rated Borderlands Buy it
Dec 13, 2010 by ThaBrad


Do not have any nor played them. I'd go with RDR.

akskiller rated Borderlands Buy it
Dec 13, 2010 by akskiller


anyone have rdr psn or everyone plays it on xbox? Q_Q

iorilamia rated Borderlands Rent it
Dec 13, 2010 by iorilamia


for me, It's going to be the Noble Map Pack from Halo: Reach. I haven't played Borderlands, nor RDR before.

Arthvader rated Borderlands Buy it
Dec 13, 2010 by Arthvader


One thing these jimmys done right in this years AWARDS. This is what a award show should do right.

Fnjimmy has not rated Borderlands yet.
Dec 13, 2010 by Fnjimmy

grey walrus

I've only played the noble map pack and I was disappointed in it soo... I'd probably go with red dead just because zombies are awesome.

grey walrus rated Borderlands Rent it
Dec 13, 2010 by grey walrus


One thing FnJimmy has done right in this thread's COMMENTS. This is what a comment should do right.

BatRastered rated Borderlands Buy it
Dec 14, 2010 by BatRastered

DE bad shot

havint played it yet but deff red dead, old west zombies. cant go wrong

DE bad shot has not rated Borderlands yet.
Dec 14, 2010 by DE bad shot


Red dead WTF a little more please.

Fnjimmy has not rated Borderlands yet.
Dec 16, 2010 by Fnjimmy


red dead redemption fucking blows its like a cheap run off of gun

kof2012 rated Borderlands Buy it
Jan 13, 2011 by kof2012



Phresh has not rated Borderlands yet.
May 8, 2011 by Phresh

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